Sevendays-Digital / filament-nested-resources

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Route missing parameter #1

Open almooradi-dev opened 1 year ago

almooradi-dev commented 1 year ago


I have 2 resources:

And the models of these resources are in a subdirectory App/Models/Academic/.... So when trying to get the child URL using ChildResourceLink::make(...) I got Missing parameter: academic/course

So I trace your code's functions:

  1. Go to NestedResource::getUrl() And check what the final $params is giving me, and I found this

    array:2 [▼ // vendor\sevendays-digital\filament-nested-resources\src\NestedResource.php:72
      "academic\Course" => 12
      "academic/course" => null

    The first one academic\Course is from the first $params variable, and the second one academic/course is from the $list variable

  2. Go to ChildResourceLink::getUrl() (where the function in step 1 is called)

    $param = Str::of($this->record::class)

    As you can see, this logic will be working perfectly for Models that are directly under the App\Models directory (and not in a subdirectory)

So, is there a solution to this from my side, or we should edit the function in step 2?

almooradi-dev commented 1 year ago

I solve it (but got a different error 😅, I am trying to figure it out)

But for the main issue above, I solve it by editing the ChildResourceLink::getUrl()

    public function getUrl(): ?string
        $baseParams = [];
        if (property_exists($this->table->getLivewire(), 'urlParameters')) {
            $baseParams = $this->table->getLivewire()->urlParameters;

        $param = Str::camel(Str::singular($this->resourceClass::getParent()::getSlug())); // 👈 Here
        // Which is the same used in "NestedResource::getParentTree()" in the "urlPlaceholder" parameter

        return $this->resourceClass::getUrl(
            [...$baseParams, $param => $this->record->getKey()] // 👈 Here
almooradi-dev commented 1 year ago

The second issue, is related to that one (because of the models in a subdirectory) In the NestedResource::getEloquentQuery(), when calling the static::getParentAccessor() in the whereHas we got academic\Course which is wrong of course, and it should only be course

So my nested resource I just add this:

    public static function getParentAccessor(): string
        return 'course';


Don't do this Because it will affect other places So I override the getEloquentQuery() in my nested resource

    public static function getEloquentQuery(string|int|null $parent = null): Builder
        $query = static::getModel()::query(); // 👈 Change here
        $parentModel = static::getParent()::getModel();
        $key = (new $parentModel)->getKeyName();
            'course', // 👈 Change here
            fn (Builder $builder) => $builder->where($key, '=', $parent ?? static::getParentId())

        return $query;
mstfkhazaal commented 1 year ago

The second issue, is related to that one (because of the models in a subdirectory) In the NestedResource::getEloquentQuery(), when calling the static::getParentAccessor() in the whereHas we got academic\Course which is wrong of course, and it should only be course

So my nested resource I just add this:

    public static function getParentAccessor(): string
        return 'course';


Don't do this Because it will affect other places So I override the getEloquentQuery() in my nested resource

  public static function getEloquentQuery(string|int|null $parent = null): Builder
        $query = static::getModel()::query(); // 👈 Change here
        $parentModel = static::getParent()::getModel();
        $key = (new $parentModel)->getKeyName();
            'course', // 👈 Change here
            fn (Builder $builder) => $builder->where($key, '=', $parent ?? static::getParentId())

        return $query;

I create pull request thanks