Sevenstax / FreeV2G

Python based Host MPU Application for the use with 8DEVICES WHITE-BEET Embedded ISO15118 Module modules to realize IEC/ISO15118 and DIN70121 conform charging communication between electric vehicles (PEV) and elevtric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE). FreeV2G can e.g. been used with a Raspberry Pi.
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Stop communication after Service Discovery Response if supported application Protocol selected ISO15118 #173

Closed nikunjp26 closed 10 months ago

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

Platform: PEV / EVSE Firmware Version: i.e. V02_00_01 Host Controller Interface: Ethernet / SPI Host: Own development

We have integrated Whitebeet module running EVSE firmware version V02.00.01 with our CCS2 charger with single gun only. we connect only single Whitebeet module on the Ethernet with Mahindra XUV400 EV Car. Communication is stopping after Service Discovery Response if supported application Protocol selected was ISO15118.

Please find the attached logs which capture using the Greenshark

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

Thanks for submitting your issue. I will take a look at it in the upcoming days and come back to you until the end of this week.

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

I've taken a look at the Wireshark logs and so far I don't see a reason why the EV is not responding after the Service Discovery Response. All exchanged parameters are normal and timeout requirements are met. Could you capture a UART log of the Whitebeet to help me investigate this issue further?

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

Dear Niklas,

Please find the logs of debug uart. teraterm (2).log

Regards, Nikunj Patel

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

I took another look at the logs with a colleague today and we're still not sure why the session doesn't continue after the ServiceDiscoveryResponse. We currently suspect that the problem is actually on the car side and not on the charger side. If you take a look at the SessionSetupReq that the car sends there's already an issue with it. The ISO standard requires the car to send a SessionSetupReq with a session id of 0 for new sessions. However the car sends some session id so maybe it just got stuck in a weird state?

However just to be sure that I'm not missing something could you capture another Wireshark log charging the car with DIN? Maybe this we find something in there that helps with the issue.

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

@Dear Niklas,

We don't have "Mahindra XUV400 EV Car" now. We will capture the logs when this car will be available and provide to you.

Thanks & Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

Dear Niklas, Please find the attached wireshark log file which we captured again today.

Thanks & Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

Thanks for coming back with the logs. I will take a look at them in the upcoming days and let you know what I've found out.

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

I've taken a look at your logs. However I do not find a V2G session in there (furthest step was SECCDP). Could you please capture another log with your charger and the car using DIN70121? Please make sure that the Whitebeet is directly connected without a network switch or something in between so that no packets are lost. Also do you have some sort of debug information from the car when a charging session is failing?

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

Dear Niklas,

We had many times charge our Hyundai KONA which is supporting the DIN70121 protocol. till now we didn't face any issue with that car.

can we load the "Sevenstax_WHITEBEET_ISO15118_EVSE_EIM_V01_01_07" firmware inside the whitebeet module? right now we are using the "02.01.00_PNC" firmware now? this is just for the testing only.

Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

Although it's possible to downgrade your EVSE Whitebeet to V01_01_07 I wouldn't advise to do that. The V01_01_07 contains bugs which we fixed in newer version and it also uses our old API. Thus the V01_01_07 would also not be compatible with your host implementation as our API had quite a few changes between V01 and V02. May I ask why you want to try the V01_00_07 firmware?

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

Dear Niklas,

May I ask why you want to try the V01_00_07 firmware? We have some chargers deployed in the field, and customers and users are complaining again and again to us and we don't have a solution right now. We can use this firmware now temporarily If this older version works for us.

Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

You can try using the V01_01_07 firmware. However it will probably not be compatible with your current host implementation as the API changed a lot between V01 and V02.

Do you maybe have a log of a Mahindra XUV charging successfully?

Best regards, Niklas Stoffers

nikunjp26 commented 1 year ago

Dear Niklas,

we tried to test the xuv today but unfortunately not able do any single success transaction. due to that our customer is frustrate now. please look into that and guide if we can do any best as we are helpless right now.

best regards, Nikunj Patel

nststx commented 1 year ago

Hi @nikunjp26,

Thanks for the new logs. I will need some more time to look into them and come back to you once I've got an update.

Best regards and thanks for your patience, Niklas Stoffers

nststx commented 1 year ago

Deleted Nextion logs from this issue and moved them to #196 as things got a little bit too mixed up here.

nikunjp26 commented 11 months ago

Dear Niklas,

any update on this?

Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

lho-stx commented 11 months ago

Hey @nikunjp26,

in packet 3950 the EV sends a session stop request. This is not allowed at this point. There is also no reason to do this (from a protocol viewpoint), all timeouts are met. You resolved #196 by improving your CP cabling, may this a solution for this issue too, as these are highly similar?

Best regards, lho

nikunjp26 commented 11 months ago

Dear Iho, We will check with the CAR Again and reply back.

Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

nikunjp26 commented 10 months ago

Dear Iho, We checked with a CAR and able charge it. If finding any problems, we will get back to you.

Best Regards, Nikunj Patel

nikunjp26 commented 10 months ago

Dear Iho & Team,

We are closing this as it is workign now.