Sewer56 / FileEmulationFramework

Framework for emulating files using Reloaded-II.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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AWB Emulator "Can not decode this file format" Issues #4

Open WisteriaSp opened 1 year ago

WisteriaSp commented 1 year ago

I've been having some issues replacing the files in "VOICE_SINGLEWORD.AWB". Basically, I replaced Joker's lines with Kasumi's lines by renaming Kasumi's lines to some slots containing Joker's voice lines. The issue I'm facing is that the audio does not play when the voice line is called. I get a "# CRI # E2009010901:Can not decode this file format." error when the voice line attempts to play. Weirdly enough the Kasumi voice line WILL play if I only have one Kasumi voice line replacing something in the awb. However the audio won't fully play and will still give me the error message. Keep in mind that these voice lines should be using the exact same encryption as Joker's as they are from the same archive. I've tried decrypting them, re-encrypting them, and renaming them to no avail.

Here's a screenshot of the error I get when the game tries to load one of the voice lines (these replace the voicelines when Joker uses the save menu) image

Image of the FEmulator directory image

Video of the voice lines spitting out the error:

Video of the the voice line playing when it's the only file in the directory:

Log file in debug mode: 2023-04-06 05.35.13 ~ P5R.txt

DarkPsydeOfTheMoon commented 2 months ago

Somewhat of an update on this, after all this time: this issue seems to generally affect emulation in cases where the paired ACB also has an internal/in-memory AWB.

To explain, all P5R ACBs are paired with external/streaming AWBs (i.e., the actual .AWB files), but some of them also contain an embedded AWB and split their ADX storage across the two. Files like this include:

I originally wasn't sure if this issue with SINGLEWORD was size (since SINGLEWORD is enormous) or this split-AWB-storage thing, but notably the # CRI # E2009010901:Can not decode this file format. error affects all of the above ACBs' corresponding streaming AWBs -- VOICE_SINGLEWORD.AWB, SYSTEM.AWB, F001_003.AWB, etc. It does not affect the also-huge BGM.AWB... which does not have split AWB storage. And the field SFX AWBs are quite small while still being affected by the error.

All in all, it's pretty definitive from testing that the issue is specific to (streaming) AWB files that pair with ACBs which also have in-memory AWBs.

Hopefully that explanation makes sense. I'm not familiar enough with the file emulation codebase to have any further insight on why this happens at the moment, but this could be helpful info for debugging in the long run.