Sewer56 / Reloaded-Mod-Loader

[Deprecated: Use Reloaded II] Universal DLL Injection 100% C# based universal mod loader and library set compatible with arbitrary X86 and X64 processes.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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False flag for Windows Defender #9

Closed savePinball closed 5 years ago

savePinball commented 5 years ago

Hopefully this is the correct place to talk about this. There seems to be a false flag done by Windows Defender about the .exe and other files.

P.S Found out about this from the PCGaming Wiki article on Sonic Heroes so keep up the good work!

Sewer56 commented 5 years ago

This is the most correct place there would be to talk about this, good job 👍

Sorry for that - it happens all the time :/. It's not very fun sending false positive reports to all of the different antivirus vendors by hand every time someone reports one of those.

The funny thing is that this is actually a second for Windows Defender, 7 weeks ago I had to make the exact same report - for the same executable, a couple of versions ago; oof!

PS. Have fun playing Sonic Heroes ^-^

Sewer56 commented 5 years ago

Oh, oof, I just got that too; literally minutes after.

The interesting thing is the file that was detected, is actually just a proxy/renamed version of a component of the library I use for software updates: so the false positive was not thrown at my code this time around, but a hugely popular third party open source library.

Oh well; it'll probably be resolved in a few hours after I send the ticket in.

Edit: All done. If things go like last time, they should probably resolve the issue within the next 6 hours. I'll manually close this issue should I receive an automated email back from them.

Sewer56 commented 5 years ago

Got the automated email back. Should be fixed after the next update of definitions in WinDefender. 👌