// Desired file is opened
myFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME.c_str()); // DEFAULT_FILE_NAME
if (myFile) {
String line = "";
while (myFile.available()) {
char m = myFile.read();
if (m == '\n'){
line = "";
else if((int) m != 13)
line += m;
} else {
void Line(String l)
int space_1 = l.indexOf(" ");
if (space_1 == -1)
else if (l.substring(0,space_1) == "STRING")
Keyboard.print(l.substring(space_1 + 1));
else if (l.substring(0,space_1) == "DELAY")
int delaytime = l.substring(space_1 + 1).toInt();
else if(l.substring(0,space_1) == "REM"){}
String remain = l;
I have edited a code for Teensy ++ 2.0 Sorry if I'm using Github wrong, I'm new here.
You should be family with 5 bit binary, but it's simple. Possibility of up to 32 payloads with filenames like "00000.txt" - "11111.txt"
5 DIP 1 2 3 4 5 16 8 4 2 1 (16+8+4+2+1=31)
If DIP 00001 - File is same.
Remember, DIP SWITCH is PULLUP, so it works in reverse. On = Off, on the DIP Switch itself.
include "Keyboard.h"
File myFile;
boolean first = true;
//String DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = ""; //const char DEFAULT_FILE_NAME = "script.txt"; //char DEFAULT_FILE_NAME;
// change this to match your SD shield or module; // Arduino Etihernet shield: pin 4 // Adafruit SD shields and modules: pin 10 // Sparkfun SD shield: pin 8 // Teensy audio board: pin 10 // Teensy 3.5 & 3.6 on-board: BUILTIN_SDCARD // Wiz820+SD board: pin 4 // Teensy 2.0: pin 0 // Teensy++ 2.0: pin 20
const int chipSelect = 20;
void setup() { // Serial.begin(115200); // Sets the given pins as switches for the dip switches pinMode(9, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(10, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(11, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(12, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, INPUT_PULLUP); delay(500); String dip1 = digitalRead(13); String dip2 = digitalRead(12); String dip3 = digitalRead(11); String dip4 = digitalRead(10); String dip5 = digitalRead(9); String dipState = String(dip1 + dip2 + dip3 + dip4 + dip5); String FILE_NAME = String(dipState + ".txt");
delay(100); // Serial.print(F("DIP: ")); // Serial.println(dipState); // Serial.print(F("File: ")); // Serial.println(FILE_NAME);
if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { return; }
// Desired file is opened myFile = SD.open(FILE_NAME.c_str()); // DEFAULT_FILE_NAME if (myFile) { Keyboard.begin();
} else { }
Keyboard.end(); }
void Line(String l) { int space_1 = l.indexOf(" "); if (space_1 == -1) { Press(l); } else if (l.substring(0,space_1) == "STRING") { Keyboard.print(l.substring(space_1 + 1)); } else if (l.substring(0,space_1) == "DELAY") { int delaytime = l.substring(space_1 + 1).toInt(); delay(delaytime); } else if(l.substring(0,space_1) == "REM"){} else { String remain = l;
Keyboard.releaseAll(); }
void Press(String b) { if(b.length() == 1) { char c = b[0]; Keyboard.press(c); } else if (b.equals("ENTER")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_RETURN); } else if (b.equals("CTRL")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_CTRL); } else if (b.equals("SHIFT")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_SHIFT); } else if (b.equals("ALT")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_ALT); } else if (b.equals("GUI")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_GUI); } else if (b.equals("UP") || b.equals("UPARROW")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_UP_ARROW); } else if (b.equals("DOWN") || b.equals("DOWNARROW")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_DOWN_ARROW); } else if (b.equals("LEFT") || b.equals("LEFTARROW")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_LEFT_ARROW); } else if (b.equals("RIGHT") || b.equals("RIGHTARROW")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_RIGHT_ARROW); } else if (b.equals("DELETE")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_DELETE); } else if (b.equals("PAGEUP")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_PAGE_UP); } else if (b.equals("PAGEDOWN")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_PAGE_DOWN); } else if (b.equals("HOME")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_HOME); } else if (b.equals("ESC")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_ESC); } else if (b.equals("INSERT")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_INSERT); } else if (b.equals("TAB")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_TAB); } else if (b.equals("END")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_END); } else if (b.equals("CAPSLOCK")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_CAPS_LOCK); } else if (b.equals("F1")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F1); } else if (b.equals("F2")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F2); } else if (b.equals("F3")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F3); } else if (b.equals("F4")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F4); } else if (b.equals("F5")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F5); } else if (b.equals("F6")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F6); } else if (b.equals("F7")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F7); } else if (b.equals("F8")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F8); } else if (b.equals("F9")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F9); } else if (b.equals("F10")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F10); } else if (b.equals("F11")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F11); } else if (b.equals("F12")) { Keyboard.press(KEY_F12); } }
void loop() { // nothing happens after setup } // CODE END
Or DL here: https://www.adrive.com/public/wN9grt/TeensyPlusPlus2.0_5DIP_Duckduino-microSD.ino