ShMaunder / JMapMyLDAP

LDAP Integration for Joomla! 2.5+
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Issue editing user. #49

Closed clayraper1 closed 8 years ago

clayraper1 commented 8 years ago

I am able to get everything working. I can log in using AD username/password and it creates the using in Joomla! The problem I am having is when I go in to edit that user, like assign the user to a group, and try to save after making a changeI get the following error:


The passwords you entered do not match. Please enter your desired password in the password field and confirm your entry by entering it in the confirm password field.

I feel like I am missing a tiny piece and just can't figure it out.. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.

clayraper1 commented 8 years ago

Disregard... Firefox was auto filling a password causing a conflict.