ShMaunder / JMapMyLDAP

LDAP Integration for Joomla! 2.5+
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Request New Attributes #62

Closed sparadrus closed 6 years ago

sparadrus commented 7 years ago

Hello, I use your CRON script to sync user. It work perfectly with my 2 AD and it save my life :)

I wish request new fields in my LDAP, such as telephoneNumber, Site location, .. How i can implement this please? The purpose would be to update Jomsocial db fields. Thank you in advance, Regards Philippe

Tazzios commented 6 years ago

I do something like that Community builder fields. i also insert every user in joomla so that the address book is always complete.

Take this script Setup you LDAP connection

Line 26 change false to true to get atributes

Add this at line 148

// DB verbinding gegevens
$servername = "";
$username = "Joomla";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "joomla";

// Create connection
$conn = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($conn->connect_error) {
    die("Connection failed: " . $conn->connect_error);

line 161 add extra fields like $telephonenumber = isset($attr['telephonenumber'][0]) ? $attr['telephonenumber'][0] : "000";

line 162 do stuff!

    //Check if account is active (probably not the best way)
    if ($Actief==514 or $Actief==546 or $Actief==66050 or $Actief==66082 or $Actief==252658 or $Actief==26290 or $Actief==328194 or $Actief==328226): 
        //account not active so disable in joomla
        $sql = "UPDATE IGNORE ".$Joomla_prefix ."_comprofiler Ldap INNER JOIN ".$Joomla_prefix    ."_users joomla ON SET 
        joomla.block = 1 WHERE joomla.USERNAME ='$samaccountname'";

        if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
            echo "$i. account disabled<br>";
        } else {
            echo "$i. Error account disabled: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;


        //Check if user exist
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$Joomla_prefix ."_users WHERE USERNAME='$samaccountname'";
        if(mysqli_num_rows($conn->query($sql)) > 0)
        //echo "$i. already exist"

            // add user to joomla
            $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ".$Joomla_prefix ."_users (name,username,email,params,registerDate) VALUES ('$name','$samaccountname','$mail','{\"auth_type\":\"LDAP\",\"auth_domain\":\"WEBSITENAME\"}','$now')";
            if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
                echo "$i. account added<br>";
            } else {
                echo "$i. Error account adding: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;

            // basis rights (2 = Registered).
            $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO ".$Joomla_prefix ."_user_usergroup_map (user_id ,group_id ) SELECT id,2 FROM ". $Joomla_prefix ."_users joomla where joomla.USERNAME='$samaccountname'";
            if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
                //echo "account right added <br>";
            } else {
                echo "$i. Error account  right added : " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;


    // Sync community builder and joomla
    if ($conn->query("INSERT IGNORE INTO ". $Joomla_prefix ."_comprofiler(id,user_id) SELECT id,id FROM ". $Joomla_prefix ."_users joomla where joomla.USERNAME='$samaccountname'") === TRUE) {
        //echo "Cb updated" ;
    } else {
        echo "$i. Error table sync: <br>" . $conn->error;

    // Show result 
    echo "$i. $samaccountname - $mail - $name - ${'sector'} - $physicaldeliveryofficename - " . substr($telephonenumber, -3) ;

    // update communitybuilder 
    $sql = "update ignore ". $Joomla_prefix ."_comprofiler Ldap inner join ". $Joomla_prefix ."_users joomla on SET 
    Ldap.cb_kantoor= '$physicaldeliveryofficename', 
    Ldap.cb_afdeling= '$department',
    ldap.cb_titel= '$title',
    ldap.cb_telnrkort = '" . substr($telephonenumber, -3) . "',
    Ldap.avatar= '$samaccountname.png', '$name'
    WHERE joomla.USERNAME ='$samaccountname'";

    if ($conn->query($sql) === TRUE) {
        echo "<br>";
    } else {
        echo "$i. Error updating CB fields: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;

line 172

//sluit DB verBinding
sparadrus commented 6 years ago

Great Thanks, i test this asap ! Regards, Philippe

sparadrus commented 6 years ago

Hello, i have test with one attribute (telephoneNumber), it's ok but my code is not optimized.. Jomsocial create one table field_value and link user by id. i'm not develloper but if it aidful other user of Jomsocial it's cool.. I'll be back with a proper script in few days

Thanks again ;)

// DB Connection and Jomsocial ID Attributes

$servername = "";
$username = "UserOfDB";
$password = "MyPass123";
$dbname = "DatabaseName";
$Joomla_prefix = "lx66666";
$JomsTelephoneID = "8";


// User exist in Joomla ? If not, skip at row 232

$req_usercreated = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT id FROM ". $Joomla_prefix ."_users WHERE USERNAME='$samaccountname'");
$nbuser = mysqli_num_rows($req_usercreated);    
if ($nbuser > 0)
// Get ID of user in Joomla

$req_userid = mysqli_prepare($conn, "SELECT id,username FROM ". $Joomla_prefix ."_users WHERE username='$samaccountname'") or die(mysqli_error($conn));
mysqli_stmt_execute($req_userid) or die(mysqli_error($conn));
mysqli_stmt_bind_result($req_userid, $userid['id'], $userid['username']);

// Attribute (row) exist in Jomsocial Tables?
// TelephoneNumber
$req_JomsTelephone = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT value FROM ". $Joomla_prefix ."_community_fields_values WHERE user_id=". $userid['id'] ." AND field_id=". $JomsTelephoneID .""); 
$nb = mysqli_num_rows($req_JomsTelephone);

if ($nb > 0)
        echo "Attribute Exist for ". $samaccountname ." (". $userid['id'] .") -> UPDATE ". "\n" ."";
        $req_JomsTelephone = mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE IGNORE ". $Joomla_prefix ."_community_fields_values SET value=". $telephonenumber ." WHERE user_id=". $userid['id'] ." AND field_id=". $JomsTelephoneID ."");
        echo "No attribute in Jomsocial for ". $samaccountname ." (". $userid['id'] .")  -> INSERT ". "\n" ."";
        $req_JomsTelephone = mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT IGNORE INTO ". $Joomla_prefix ."_community_fields_values (id,user_id,field_id,value,access,params) VALUES (0,". $userid['id'] ." ,". $JomsTelephoneID .",". $telephonenumber .",10,'')");
// Fin du traitement
        echo "No user with the login ". $samaccountname ." are created in Joomla -> SKIP ". "\n" ."";
// Close LDAP Connection
// Close DB Connection
// Here you can open a new connection with mydap_connect() if needed, such as to a different AD server`
Tazzios commented 3 years ago

@sparadrus Do you still use the sync script for jomsocial and do you have a new version?

It would be nice if I can place it in my git project for others to use and improve. ( tough, i have to rename the project then offcourse. )