ShMcK / NG2-Accounts-Ui

Angular 2 Accounts-Ui Component
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Cant use this package #1

Open tna274 opened 8 years ago

tna274 commented 8 years ago

I'm a beginner learn meteor. I was tried use your package but it wasn't run. Can you check and update your package?

ShMcK commented 8 years ago

This package is now deprecated. Try angular2-meteor-accounts-ui

tna274 commented 8 years ago

I already use package angular2-meteor-accounts-ui, but it's too few features. Example: login and register have 2 field only (email and password), and not have login with facebook, google, github, etc.. i tried to read source code of this package but can't find a way to add features i want to (like accounts.ui.config in package accounts-ui of meteor ng1). Can you help me some idea? Thanks!

ShMcK commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately this package no longer works with current versions of Angular 2. It is no longer maintained.

This tutorial may help: Angular 2 Meteor Tutorial: Accounts-UI

tna274 commented 8 years ago

I was learn through this tutorial but creator leaned basic use with email and password only, and i cant find any documents that guided use or more infomation of package angular2-meteor-accounts-ui. So, I had to create package or I can edit this package or something else. If you have a case like me, what do you do?