Sha0 / winvblock

WinVBlock (derived from WinAoE) AoE, MEMDISK, GRUB4DOS RAM Disk, File-Backed Disk Driver
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If searching for fake floppy with #!GRUB4DOS string, current floppy is not set back to fd0 #1

Open steve6375 opened 11 years ago

steve6375 commented 11 years ago

If installing XP using F6 floppies and grub4dos mapped XP ISO... Make a FiraDisk floppy (99) - or any device 2-127 in grub4dos and boot XP Setup. then WinVBlock makes that device the current floppy device for Setup. Just after 'creating list of files to be copied' stage in textmode setup, you get a 'The disk or CD you inserted may be damaged' message because Setup is trying to access the F6 disk, but WinVBlock has changed the current floppy device to the (99) device. Fix would be to save current floppy (may be 0 or 1) - search for #!GRUB4DOS string on all floppy devices - THEN SET CURRENT FLOPPY BACK TO ORIGINAL FLOPPY DEVICE.

Sha0 commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry, but I do not believe that "current floppy" has any meaning. If there are multiple floppies, the floppy disk that Windows will choose is known only to Windows developers. WInVBlock doesn't "change" the "current floppy." You can try experimenting with different drive-numbers.

I don't fully understand why you have multiple floppies.