ShaastraWebops / Shaastra-2013-Website

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Category Menu #32

Closed BademiChetan closed 12 years ago

BademiChetan commented 12 years ago

The menu should not appear the same place but should come directly above the category on which the cursor is focused.

syerramilli commented 12 years ago

the menu now comes directly above the category

karthikabinav commented 12 years ago

Clicking on image doesnt make the menu stay. Only clicking on the text on the image makes it stay. is this intentional ? If yes, then takes a while for people to figure it out. If no, Please correct it.

BademiChetan commented 12 years ago


BademiChetan commented 12 years ago

Set initial display to none. Make it only hover, pack click. Also, put timeout.

BademiChetan commented 12 years ago

@surajy123 Please fix this.

syerramilli commented 12 years ago

i have fixed that bug; but for now click is retained

BademiChetan commented 12 years ago

I was talking about setting initial display to none, adding a timeout and getting rid of the click.

s-ramaswamy commented 12 years ago

I think we should completely recode the menu. I absolutely abhor the menu behaviour. It does very shady things and is very confusing. :/

BademiChetan commented 12 years ago

@meetaw Yes, it is. @surajy123 The menu should stay even if I hover over the category. This is what most people expect. I know there is an instruction in the tour, but no one will have the patience to read the whole thing. Fix this ASAP.

BademiChetan commented 12 years ago

This is fixed. Closing the issue.