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Tabs doesnt work on events page #39

Open karthikabinav opened 12 years ago

karthikabinav commented 12 years ago

I found this thing weird that , the tabs doesnt work on this page . Only the Introduction tab works. The other doesnt seem to work. I tested this both on firefox and chrome and got the same result.

srmanikandasriram commented 12 years ago

corrected it... the tab name wasn't desluggified in the view... it is working now...please check and let me know if the error persists...

karthikabinav commented 12 years ago

Yes, this works fine now

suraj93 commented 12 years ago

DeSluggifying Doesnt work on or any Event which has special characters and/or consecutive spaces.

karthikabinav commented 12 years ago

Ohh yes I remember this. You are just stripping the "-" off and replacing by spaces to de sluggify or something right ? And that is going to haunt now .