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Lectures Page #2

Open AbdealiLoKo opened 10 years ago

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

No da, black background doesnt look good, lets go back to earlier one

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Updates ? is this done ? deadline is already up

nishanthkarthik commented 10 years ago

Yeah, but I am working on improving the flip animations. What I currently have turns to +90 and comes to 0. What I am working on is to make it go from 0 to 90, switch to -90, then go to zero. This is auxiliary work (The difference is not very visible without this). And, I have been doing the lecture details page. What I have done is make a Json of details of lecturers, then read from it. Using Sqlite or Linq is resource intensive when compared to deserialising Json. I prepared the Json file, as well as, the class structure. Work remaining = Venue, Location, linking it to Here Maps, as well as calender. Then, reading from this Json file. I am thinking of => Including Gart inside this page (The AR toolkit I showed you) Please make some corrections to the above if required!

AbdealiLoKo commented 10 years ago

Ok, let's not go into augmented reality for now. Let's finish all the pages first.

Everything seems good. But don't go into extreme details. Finish up lectures page by tonight ? We still have some 4-5 more pages left

nishanthkarthik commented 10 years ago

There were some crashes while I changed this animation style. That's why I didn't push anything. I will undo that stuff for now. Yeah, by tonight, I will push out the complete,stable version of lectures page.