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Scale (and Mode) Identification Exercise #234

Open RustoMCSpit opened 1 year ago

RustoMCSpit commented 1 year ago

a random midi section will play and your job is to identiy the scale and mode played

ShacharHarshuv commented 1 year ago

We need to define what actually should be played. Is it just the scale going up? If it's a more arbitrary melody, we need to generate one so that the information is clear. The mode cannot be determined from the notes alone, even if you play all notes.

RustoMCSpit commented 1 year ago

We need to define what actually should be played. Is it just the scale going up? If it's a more arbitrary melody, we need to generate one so that the information is clear. The mode cannot be determined from the notes alone, even if you play all notes.

i believe the more settings available to the user the better, the melody can be coded in a way that there are cadences in it. i think the best approach is to download a huge midi pack file and transpose to the desired mode.

bokajsukriz commented 11 months ago

+1 Also one idea: if there would be options to choose (the standard progression (I-IV-V-I), a random melody, a random progression, random progression + melody) the same options could maybe be adopted to other exercices. So instead of the standard progression you could choose to get your ears set for the new scale by a random progression / melody?

ShacharHarshuv commented 11 months ago

I think the easiest thing to do is to compose a small set of cadential melodies with a clear scale definition. However - will learning these necessarily help the user learn to identify scales in real music?

bokajsukriz commented 11 months ago

Hm, i think my limited music theory knowledge just kicked in. Is it even possible to identify a Scale or Mode by random notes? You would need to identify the root first, which requires a thought out composition and perfect pitch, right? As in: A Minor has the same keys as C Major (parallel scales). So only within real music you would be able to identify what the notes are meant to represent, correct?

ShacharHarshuv commented 11 months ago

Correct, it is not possible to identify a scale by random notes, as I explain above. However it might be possible to compose a set of cadential melodies in every scale that will be enough information to identify a scale.

Also - perfect pitch is not needed if you're not interested in the absolute root note. I thought the meaning was "identify major scale vs minor scale" rather than "identify C major vs D major".

Tbh, I feel like you're better off just practicing melody recognition.