Shade- / MyFacebook-Connect

A plugin to integrate Facebook with MyBB, letting users login and register through Facebook.
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your server's 443 port seems to be closed #47

Closed rmalenko closed 9 years ago

rmalenko commented 9 years ago


Could you help me, please? I cannot activate this plugin because get message 443 port closed. However, I can connect to Facebook by HTTPS.

This is lynx from console

Shade- commented 9 years ago

The check is done using PHP cURL which is the one used by the SDK, maybe it's the cURL configuration not being set up properly. You might delete the lines in the code that perform the check and install it if you want to give it a try. The lines are included in the myfbconnect_install() function and are quite recognizeable (just an if conditional statement).

rmalenko commented 9 years ago

Thank you for answer. Curl I have commented this code and get blank page now. Might my problem called because I use MyBB 1.8?

` /** function verify_port_443() { global $lang;

// 3 seconds timeout to check for port 443 is enough
$fp = @fsockopen('', 443, $errno, $errstr, 3);

// Port 443 is closed or blocked
if (!$fp) {

    flash_message($lang->myfbconnect_error_port_443_not_open, 'error');


return false;

} */ `

Shade- commented 9 years ago

You must not blank out the function itself, because the function is called within the myfbconnect_install() function (and if it does not exists, the installation will output a blank page in the browser and will abort itself).

You must wipe out the function call.

rmalenko commented 9 years ago

Thank you. I have changed if (!$fp) to if ($fp). I am not a developer :)