ShadowBlip / HandyPT

Handheld Power Tools (Handy Pot) provides fine performance tuning for a variety of handheld devices.
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Whether GPU frequency function can be added in the future #16

Open danyi opened 1 year ago

danyi commented 1 year ago

Whether GPU frequency function can be added in the future The range is also given depending on the CPU

pastaq commented 1 year ago

Its possible, but not that high on my priority list at the moment. For most AMD APU use cases the frequency slider in the DeckUI is close enough that it works fine for this function, and lowering the TDP automatically manages the frequency fairly well. If anything I would introduce this after I am able to inject/edit the default performance tab on DeckUI, rather than have my own tab as I do now. Then I would just edit the existing slider.

danyi commented 1 year ago

But in holo, this feature is turned off Even though I found the switch The 6800U GPU can be adjusted to 2400 1600 isn't enough. It's barely enough But I can't find where to adjust this parameter

pastaq commented 1 year ago

But in holo, this feature is turned off Even though I found the switch The 6800U GPU can be adjusted to 2400 1600 isn't enough. It's barely enough But I can't find where to adjust this parameter

You can't adjust the parameter directly. It is obfuscated in the DOM, which is one part of the reason replacing UI elements is a better solution. Duplicating the functionality for AMD APU's is trivial, they are using a character file exposed by AMDGPU and I have a proof of concept already made that can do this. The issue is that enabling that feature without removing or replacing the slider in the QAM Performance tab causes a conflict, as the default Steam UI slider conflicts with the HandyPT slider. They are trying to set the same parameter to different values at the same time, and enabling one enables both. In the best cases this causes some performance issues as the frequency bounces around between the two. In the worst case it causes system crashes. Until/unless we can remove or replace Steams version of this slider, this feature is shelved.

In the mean time, you could collect all the data we need on stable ranges for each supported architecture. We would also need to identify a stable method for doing this for Intel IG chips as I intent to maintain feature parity across all devices as long as possible.

So, short list of things needed for this feature:

danyi commented 1 year ago

It seems we still have a lot of work to do

I have a lot of equipment on my hands

I'm happy about that. What can I do

I recently installed steamos holo on an Intel machine

But it doesn't seem to be working properly

I'm still trying to figure it out