ShadowKnightMK4 / OdinSearch

Search thru local computer files and feed matching output to a class that consumes it.
MIT License
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Taking only trailing starting location in a list - ex C:\ V:\ would take *just* V:\ - Fixed as of 9/30 on Branches ContainerStuff, and dev #1

Closed ShadowKnightMK4 closed 9 months ago

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 9 months ago

For documentation sake,


Work threads to search were spawning with incorrect Arg. Multiple start locations in an anchor were only searching the last position alphabetically .

For example add C:\ and Z:\ to a searchanchor in earlier builds would just use Z:\

Effects old versions before the most recent containerstuff upload. That one will be rolled into main -eventually.

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 9 months ago

fixed on container stuff upload