ShadowKnightMK4 / OdinSearch

Search thru local computer files and feed matching output to a class that consumes it.
MIT License
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Required: Console app must let the user set the strings to compare against DirectoryInfo and FileName plus how to compare. #10

Closed ShadowKnightMK4 closed 5 months ago

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 6 months ago

The console app must let the user set indpendently :

The string the compare against the filename. for example 'notepad.exe' The string to compare against the directorypath. For example 'C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe'

The console app must also the user set independantly: how to handle the compares.

Stretch goal: Sanity checks? - such as wanting the string to be notepad but not find notepad in the directorypath.

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 6 months ago

Done in theory. Need to test each combination of setting as in /filename /fullname and setting the compare stuff.

Unit tests seem to work

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 5 months ago

Closed as dup. See the Argument handling one that has a long list in this milestone project.