ShadowKnightMK4 / OdinSearch

Search thru local computer files and feed matching output to a class that consumes it.
MIT License
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Required: There is a Creation Date, AccessDate and last ModifiedDate for each file item. Console must let user set any combo of three and how to compare. #11

Closed ShadowKnightMK4 closed 5 months ago

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 6 months ago

Each file item has a creation date, access date and last modified date. The console should:

let the user specify each date individually on the command line.

Let the user also indicate how to compare dates such as: Match as no later than the target date. Match as no earlier than the target date.

ShadowKnightMK4 commented 5 months ago

Done with the below flags from usage.txt. Implicit to the flag is the how to compare.

/notcreatedbefore={{datetime} This flag instructs the app to discard any matches whose creation date is earlier than the specified time.

/notcreatedafter={{datetime} This flag tells the app to discard any matches whose creation date is after the specified time.

/nolastmodifiedbefore={{datetime}} This flag tells the software to discard matches whose last modified date is earlier than this.

/lastmodifiedbefore={{datetime}} This flag tells the app to discard matches who were changed after this indicated time.

/lastaccessedbefore={{datetime}} This flag tells the app to ignore matches whose last access datetime is before the indicated one.

/nolastaccessedbefore{{datetime}} This flag tells the app to ignore files whose last access datetime is after this.