Closed Nork1234 closed 1 year ago
Definitely not in lua, but theres ways with source code.
how do you do it in source then?
Only add the songs that are in the current section, and skip the others
You can do it in Lua. You just have to go through script.lua hell and RECREATE A MENU IN A SONG THAT HAS IT'S COUNTDOWN DISABLED. Not a FUN process, but a possible one, and one I've slaved through multiple times.
Definitely not in lua, but theres ways with source code.
WELL THINK AGAIN!!! BTW MAKE A NEW SONG CALLED "whatever your freeplay section is called" then add this code in a script.lua code down here
`local songsList = {} local curSelected = 1 local onYes = true local resetting = false local canPressKeys = true function getTableLength(T) -- lmfao local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end function onStartCountdown() return Function_Stop end function onCreate()
makeLuaSprite('bg', 'menubg', -800, -300);
setLuaSpriteScrollFactor('bg', 00.1, 00.01);
addLuaSprite('bg', false);
setProperty('camGame.zoom', 1)
setProperty('defaultCamZoom', 1)
end function onCreatePost() --+ EDIT DIFFICULTIES HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for now it only allows one though addHaxeLibrary('CoolUtil') runHaxeCode([[ CoolUtil.difficulties = ['HARD']; ]]) -- ADD YOUR SONGS HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -- data name (as in the .json file of the song), display name (what actually appears), icon, bg color, if unlocked or not, custom font (if needed) addSong('json name', 'display name', 'icon', 'hex code', true) -- NO TOUCHY FROM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rage: setProperty('cameraSpeed', 10)
makeLuaSprite('scoreBlackBG', nil, 0, 0)
makeGraphic('scoreBlackBG', 1, 48, '000000')
setProperty('scoreBlackBG.alpha', 0.6)
setObjectCamera('scoreBlackBG', 'camHUD')
makeLuaText('score', '', -1, screenWidth * 0.7, 5)
setTextSize('score', 32)
setTextBorder('score', 0, '0x00000000')
setProperty('score.antialiasing', true)
setProperty('dad.visible', false)
setProperty('boyfriend.visible', false)
setProperty('gf.visible', false)
doTweenColor('bgColorTween', 'bg', songsList[curSelected][4], 0.001, 'linear')
runTimer('ae', 0.4)
end function addSong(name, displayName, icon, color, unlocked, customFont) if unlocked == nil then unlocked = true end if customFont == nil then customFont = 'vcr' end table.insert(songsList, {name, displayName, icon, color, unlocked, customFont}) local id = getTableLength(songsList) local dnFinal = displayName if not unlocked then dnFinal = '???' end makeLuaText('display', dnFinal, -1, 150, (160 id)) setTextFont('display', customFont..'.ttf') setTextSize('display', 64) setTextBorder('display', 4, '000000') setObjectCamera('display', 'camGame') setScrollFactor('display', 1, 1) setProperty('display''.antialiasing', true) addLuaText('display' if #icon ~= 0 then makeLuaSprite('icon', '', 150, (120 id) - 20) loadGraphic('icon', 'icons/icon-'..icon) loadGraphic('icon', 'icons/icon-'..icon, getProperty('icon''.width') / 2, getProperty('icon''.height')) addAnimation('icon', 'icon', {0, 1}, 0, true) setProperty('icon''.animation.curAnim.curFrame', 0) setScrollFactor('icon', 1, 1) setProperty('icon''.x', 800 - (getProperty('icon''.width'))) setProperty('icon''.y', getProperty('display''.y') - (getProperty('icon''.height') / 2) + (getProperty('display''.height') / 2)) setProperty('icon''.antialiasing', true) addLuaSprite('icon' if not unlocked then doTweenColor('icon''ColorTween', 'icon', '000000', 0.001, 'linear') end setProperty('icon''.alpha', 0.6) end setProperty('display''.alpha', 0.6) end function round(num, decimals) -- decimals = math.pow(10, decimals or 0) num = num * decimals if num >= 0 then num = math.floor(num + 0.5) else num = math.ceil(num - 0.5) end return num / decimals end function changeSelection(amount) curSelected = curSelected + amount if curSelected < 1 then curSelected = getTableLength(songsList) elseif curSelected > getTableLength(songsList) then curSelected = 1 end playSound('scrollMenu', 0.4) triggerEvent('Camera Follow Pos', 640, getProperty('display'..curSelected..'.y') + (getProperty('display'..curSelected..'.height') / 2)) for id = 1, getTableLength(songsList) do setProperty('display''.alpha', 0.6) setProperty('icon''.alpha', 0.6) if id == curSelected then setProperty('display''.alpha', 1) setProperty('icon''.alpha', 1) end end
doTweenColor('bgColorTween', 'bg', songsList[curSelected][4], 1, 'linear')
var songName = ']]..songsList[curSelected][1]..[[';
var intendedScore = Highscore.getScore(songName, 0);
var intendedRating = Highscore.getRating(songName, 0);
setVar('thej', game.modchartTexts.get('score'));
//game.addTextToDebug(songName + ', ' + intendedScore + ', ' + Highscore.floorDecimal(intendedRating * 100, 2), 0xFFFFFFFF);
game.modchartTexts.get('score').text = 'PERSONAL BEST: ' + intendedScore + ' (' + Highscore.floorDecimal(intendedRating * 100, 2) + '%)';
--setProperty('score.text', 'Personal Best: '..funnyscore..' ('..round(funnyrating, 2)..'%)')
end function onGameOver() return Function_Stop end function startResetThing() resetting = true playSound('scrollMenu', 0.4) makeLuaSprite('resetBlackBG', nil, 0, 0) makeGraphic('resetBlackBG', screenWidth 2, screenHeight 2, '000000') addLuaSprite('resetBlackBG', true) setProperty('resetBlackBG.alpha', 0) setObjectCamera('resetBlackBG', 'camHUD') doTweenAlpha('resetBlackBGAlphaTween', 'resetBlackBG', 0.6, 0.5, 'linear')
makeLuaText('resetifgay', 'reset score and rating?', -1, 0, (screenHeight / 3))
setTextSize('resetifgay', 48)
setTextBorder('resetifgay', 4, '000000')
setObjectCamera('resetifgay', 'camHUD')
setScrollFactor('resetifgay', 1, 1)
setTextAlignment('resetifgay', 'center')
setProperty('resetifgay.antialiasing', true)
setProperty('resetifgay.scrollFactor.x', 1)
setProperty('resetifgay.scrollFactor.y', 1)
screenCenter('resetifgay', 'x')
setProperty('resetifgay.alpha', 0)
doTweenAlpha('resetAlphaTween', 'resetifgay', 1, 0.25, 'linear')
makeLuaText('yes', 'yes', -1, 0, screenHeight / 2)
setTextSize('yes', 48)
setTextBorder('yes', 4, '000000')
setObjectCamera('yes', 'camHUD')
setScrollFactor('yes', 1, 1)
setTextAlignment('yes', 'center')
setProperty('yes.antialiasing', true)
setProperty('yes.scrollFactor.x', 1)
setProperty('yes.scrollFactor.y', 1)
setProperty('yes.alpha', 0)
screenCenter('yes', 'x')
setProperty('yes.x', getProperty('yes.x') - 200)
doTweenAlpha('yesAlphaTween', 'yes', 1, 0.5, 'linear')
makeLuaText('no', 'no', -1, 0, screenHeight / 2)
setTextSize('no', 48)
setTextBorder('no', 4, '000000')
setObjectCamera('no', 'camHUD')
setScrollFactor('no', 1, 1)
setTextAlignment('no', 'center')
setProperty('no.antialiasing', true)
setProperty('no.scrollFactor.x', 1)
setProperty('no.scrollFactor.y', 1)
setProperty('no.alpha', 0)
screenCenter('no', 'x')
setProperty('no.x', getProperty('no.x') + 200)
doTweenAlpha('noAlphaTween', 'no', 1, 0.5, 'linear')
onYes = true
end function changeYes() onYes = not onYes playSound('scrollMenu', 0.4) if onYes then doTweenAlpha('yesAlphaTween', 'yes', 1, 0.25, 'linear') doTweenAlpha('noAlphaTween', 'no', 0.6, 0.25, 'linear') else doTweenAlpha('yesAlphaTween', 'yes', 0.6, 0.25, 'linear') doTweenAlpha('noAlphaTween', 'no', 1, 0.25, 'linear') end end local holdTime = 0 local changeAmt = 1 function onUpdatePost(elapsed) setProperty('ratings.visible', false) setProperty('scoreTxt.visible', false) setProperty('sickTxt.visible', false) setProperty('goodTxt.visible', false) setProperty('badTxt.visible', false) setProperty('shitTxt.visible', false) setProperty('healthText.visible', false) setProperty('credit.visible', false) setProperty('tnhTxt.visible', false) setProperty('missesTxt.visible', false) setProperty('sgbsTxt.visible', false) setProperty('botplayTxt.visible', false) setProperty('iconP1.visible', false) setProperty('iconP2.visible', false) setProperty('healthBar.visible', false) setProperty('healthBarBG.visible', false) setProperty('songText.visible', false) setProperty('nametext.visible', false) setProperty('message.visible', false) setProperty('lyric.visible', false) setProperty('green.visible', false) setProperty('gray.visible', false) setProperty('tO.visible', false) setProperty('perfectTxt.visible', false) setProperty('port.visible', false) setProperty('Clock.visible', false) setProperty('camZooming', true)
if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.pressed.SHIFT') then
changeAmt = 3
changeAmt = 1
if canPressKeys then
if getProperty('controls.RESET') then
if not resetting then
if not resetting then
if getProperty('controls.UI_UP_P') or getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'mouse.wheel') == 1 then
holdTime = 0
if getProperty('controls.UI_DOWN_P') or getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'mouse.wheel') == -1 then
holdTime = 0
if getProperty('controls.UI_UP') then
local checkLastHold = math.floor((holdTime - 0.5) * 10)
holdTime = holdTime + elapsed
local checkNewHold = math.floor((holdTime - 0.5) * 10)
if holdTime > 0.5 and checkNewHold - checkLastHold > 0 then
changeSelection((checkNewHold - checkLastHold) * -changeAmt)
if getProperty('controls.UI_DOWN') then
local checkLastHold = math.floor((holdTime - 0.5) * 10)
holdTime = holdTime + elapsed
local checkNewHold = math.floor((holdTime - 0.5) * 10)
if holdTime > 0.5 and checkNewHold - checkLastHold > 0 then
changeSelection((checkNewHold - checkLastHold) * changeAmt)
if getProperty('controls.BACK') then
if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.justPressed.ENTER') then
if songsList[curSelected][5] then
loadSong(songsList[curSelected][1], -1)
-- var funny = "]]..songsList[curSelected][1]..[[";
-- game.addTextToDebug(Paths.formatToSongPath(funny), 0xFFFFFFFF);
playSound('deny', 1)
cameraFlash('camHUD', '0x36FF0000', 0.4, true)
cameraShake('camGame', 0.005, 0.13)
triggerEvent('Add Camera Zoom', '', '')
if getProperty('controls.UI_LEFT_P') or getProperty('controls.UI_RIGHT_P') then
if getProperty('controls.BACK') then
resetting = false
playSound('cancelMenu', 0.6)
doTweenAlpha('yesAlphaTween', 'yes', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
doTweenAlpha('noAlphaTween', 'no', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
doTweenAlpha('resetAlphaTween', 'resetifgay', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
doTweenAlpha('resetBlackBGAlphaTween', 'resetBlackBG', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
if getPropertyFromClass('flixel.FlxG', 'keys.justPressed.ENTER') then
resetting = false
playSound('cancelMenu', 0.6)
doTweenAlpha('yesAlphaTween', 'yes', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
doTweenAlpha('noAlphaTween', 'no', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
doTweenAlpha('resetAlphaTween', 'resetifgay', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
doTweenAlpha('resetBlackBGAlphaTween', 'resetBlackBG', 0, 0.25, 'linear')
if onYes then
var theSong = "]]..songsList[curSelected][1]..[[";
Highscore.resetSong(theSong, 0);
]]) -- so it actually does it
setProperty('score.x', screenWidth - getProperty('score.width') - 6)
setProperty('scoreBlackBG.scale.x', screenWidth - getProperty('score.x') + 6)
setProperty('scoreBlackBG.x', screenWidth - (getProperty('scoreBlackBG.scale.x') / 2))
end local timesLooped = 0 function cooldown(time) canPressKeys = false runTimer('asd', time) end function onTimerCompleted(t, l, ll) if t == 'ae' then playMusic('freakyMenu', 0.75, true) end if t == 'asd' then canPressKeys = true end end `
pls expain what im doing with this
Is to easy Go to line 28 if you use "visual studio code ('put the name of the song and "-hard"', 'put only the name of the song', 'here you put the icon', 'the color in RGB', true)
What is your question?
Is there any way to make categories in freeplay in lua? It's just a question so if it's not possible, it isn't.