ShadowMario / FNF-PsychEngine

Engine originally used on Mind Games mod
Apache License 2.0
1.14k stars 2.2k forks source link

Shader Crashes My Game #11406

Closed kkmfd-Offical closed 1 year ago

kkmfd-Offical commented 1 year ago

Describe your bug here.

I Tried Using The Cube Shader From hayko analys from notITG\ but when I use it, it crashes my game

flixel/graphics/tile/FlxDrawQuadsItem.hx (line 119) flixel/FlxCamera.hx (line 683) flixel/FlxGame.hx (line 870) flixel/FlxGame.hx (line 558) openfl/events/EventDispatcher.hx (line 402) openfl/display/DisplayObject.hx (line 1399)

Uncaught Error: Null Object Reference Please report this error to the GitHub page:

Crash Handler written by: sqirra-rng

Command Prompt/Terminal logs (if existing)

No response

Are you modding a build from source or with Lua?


What is your build target?


Did you edit anything in this build? If so, mention or summarize your changes.


TheKitBoi commented 1 year ago

Send the code on what custom thing you added

kkmfd-Offical commented 1 year ago

Here Is The Cube Frag Code `#version 120

define MARCH_ITER 64


define MARCH_NEAR 0.01

define MARCH_FAR 40.0

define MARCH_MULP 0.6

define HALF_PI 1.57079632679

define PI 3.14159265359

define TAU 6.28318530718

define saturate(i) clamp(i,0.,1.)

define linearstep(a,b,t) saturate(((t)-(a))/((b)-(a)))

// == variables ====================================================================================

varying vec2 imageCoord; uniform float beat; uniform float time; uniform float size = 1.0; uniform float kick; uniform float forward; uniform float nyooom; uniform float spin = 1.0; uniform float twist; uniform float skew; uniform float slump; uniform float deformAmp; uniform float deformFreq; uniform vec2 textureSize; uniform vec2 imageSize; uniform sampler2D sampler0; uniform sampler2D samplerRandom;

// == common shit ==================================================================================

vec2 img2tex( vec2 v ) { return v / textureSize * imageSize; }

mat2 rotate2D( float t ) { return mat2( cos( t ), -sin( t ), sin( t ), cos( t ) ); }

// == camera =======================================================================================

struct Camera { vec3 pos; vec3 dir; vec3 up; float roll; float fov; };

Camera newCamera( vec3 pos, vec3 dir ) { Camera camera; camera.pos = pos; camera.dir = dir; camera.up = vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 ); camera.roll = 0.0; camera.fov = 0.5; return camera; }

// == ray ==========================================================================================

struct Ray { vec3 orig; vec3 dir; };

Ray newRay( vec3 ori, vec3 dir ) { Ray ray; ray.orig = ori; ray.dir = dir; return ray; }

Ray rayFromCamera( Camera camera, vec2 p ) { vec3 dirX = normalize( cross( camera.dir, camera.up ) ); vec3 dirY = cross( dirX, camera.dir ); vec2 pt = rotate2D( camera.roll ) p; return newRay( camera.pos, normalize( pt.x dirX + pt.y * dirY + camera.dir / tan( camera.fov ) ) ); }

vec3 getRayPosition( Ray ray, float len ) { return ray.orig + ray.dir * len; }

// == isect ========================================================================================

struct Intersection { Ray ray; float len; vec3 pos; };

Intersection newIntersection( Ray ray, float len ) { Intersection isect; isect.ray = ray; isect.len = len; isect.pos = getRayPosition( ray, len ); return isect; }

// == march result =================================================================================

struct MarchResult { float dist; vec2 uv; };

// == distFuncs ====================================================================================

float distFuncBox( vec3 p, vec3 b ) { vec3 d = abs( p ) - b; return length( max( d, 0.0 ) ) + min( max( d.x, max( d.y, d.z ) ), 0.0 ); }

vec3 deform( vec3 p ) { vec3 pt = p; pt.xy = rotate2D( skew pt.z ) pt.xy; pt.x = 1.0 - sqrt( nyooom ); pt.yz = rotate2D( nyooom exp( 5.0 nyooom ) pt.x ) pt.yz; pt.y += 2.0 skew pt.x; pt += deformAmp ( texture2D( samplerRandom, deformFreq * ( pt.xy ) + 0.5 ).xyz - 0.5 );

pt.zx = rotate2D( spin mod( 2.5 time + PI, TAU ) + twist pt.y ) pt.zx; pt.xy = rotate2D( spin 0.6 sin( 0.9 time ) ) pt.xy; pt.yz = rotate2D( spin 0.6 sin( 1.4 time ) ) pt.yz;

if ( 0.5 < slump ) { pt.xy = rotate2D( spin 0.7 time + PI ) * pt.xy; }

pt -= normalize( pt ) kick sin( 15.0 length( pt ) - 40.0 time );

return pt; }

MarchResult distFunc( vec3 p ) { MarchResult result;

vec3 pt = p; pt = deform( pt ); result.dist = distFuncBox( pt, vec3( size ) );

vec3 spt = vec3( 1.0 );

if ( forward != 0.0 ) { vec3 ptIfs = p; ptIfs.z = mod( ptIfs.z - 16.0 time + 3.0 sin( HALF_PI beat + 0.5 ), 6.0 ) - 3.0; for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { float fi = float( i ); spt = sign( ptIfs ); ptIfs = abs( ptIfs ) - vec3( 3.2, 4.5, 1.2 ) / forward pow( 0.5, fi ); ptIfs.xy = rotate2D( 1.1 ) ptIfs.xy; ptIfs.zx = rotate2D( 2.1 ) * ptIfs.zx; }

ptIfs = deform( ptIfs );

float distIfs = distFuncBox( ptIfs, vec3( size ) );

if ( result.dist < distIfs ) {
  spt = vec3( 1.0 );
} else {
  result.dist = distIfs;
  pt = ptIfs;


vec3 abspt = abs( pt ); float n = max( abspt.x, max( abspt.y, abspt.z ) );

result.uv = 0.5 + ( ( n == abspt.z ) ? ( pt.xy vec2( sign( pt.z ), 1.0 ) ) : ( n == abspt.x ) ? ( pt.zy vec2( -sign( pt.x ), 1.0 ) ) : ( pt.xz vec2( 1.0, -sign( pt.y ) ) ) ) spt.x spt.y spt.z * 0.5 / size;

return result; }

vec3 normalFunc( vec3 p, float dd ) { vec2 d = vec2( 0.0, dd ); return normalize( vec3( distFunc( p + d.yxx ).dist - distFunc( p - d.yxx ).dist, distFunc( p + d.xyx ).dist - distFunc( p - d.xyx ).dist, distFunc( p + d.xxy ).dist - distFunc( p - d.xxy ).dist ) ); }

vec3 normalFunc( vec3 p ) { return normalFunc( p, MARCH_NEAR ); }

// == main procedure ===============================================================================

void main() { vec2 p = ( gl_FragCoord.xy 2.0 - imageSize ) / imageSize.x; Camera camera = newCamera( vec3( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0, 0.0, -1.0 ) ); camera.fov = 0.6 + 0.9 forward ( 0.5 + 0.5 sin( HALF_PI * beat - 0.5 ) ); camera.pos.z = 0.5 + 1.5 / camera.fov; Ray ray = rayFromCamera( camera, p );

Intersection isect; float rayLen = MARCH_NEAR; vec3 rayPos = getRayPosition( ray, rayLen ); MarchResult result; for ( int i = 0; i < MARCH_ITER; i ++ ) { result = distFunc( rayPos ); if ( abs( result.dist ) < MARCH_NEAR ) { break; } rayLen += result.dist * MARCH_MULP; if ( MARCH_FAR < rayLen ) { break; } rayPos = getRayPosition( ray, rayLen ); }

vec3 bg = vec3( 0.0 );

if ( abs( result.dist ) < MARCH_NEAR ) { vec3 normal = normalFunc( rayPos ); float edge = linearstep( 0.498, 0.499, abs( result.uv.x - 0.5 ) ); edge += linearstep( 0.495, 0.497, abs( result.uv.y - 0.5 ) ); vec2 uv = ( result.uv - 0.5 ) / imageSize imageSize.y 0.75 + 0.5; vec4 tex = texture2D( sampler0, img2tex( uv ) ); float fog = exp( -0.2 max( 0.0, rayLen - 3.0 ) ); gl_FragColor = vec4( fog mix( 0.1 + 0.1 normal + 0.8 tex.rgb, 1.0 + 1.0 sin( vec3( 0.0, 1.0, 2.0 ) + 10.0 length( result.uv - 0.5 ) - 10.0 * time ), edge ), 1.0 ); } else { discard; } } `

And Here Is The Code For Lua `local elapsedtime = 0 local shaderName = 'cube'

function onCreate() luaDebugMode = true makeLuaSprite('back', 'dave/disruptor', -650, 0) addLuaSprite('back', false)

setSpriteShader("back", shaderName)


function onUpdatePost(elapsed) elapsedtime = elapsedtime + elapsed setShaderFloat("back", 'uTime', elapsedtime) end`