ShadowMario / FNF-PsychEngine

Engine originally used on Mind Games mod
Apache License 2.0
1.06k stars 2.11k forks source link

can anyone help me get or make a event that makes the opponment or bf get out of the window that i can customise #14946

Open Amberyipee opened 2 weeks ago

Amberyipee commented 2 weeks ago

Describe your problem here.

can anyone help me get or make a event that makes the opponment or bf get out of the window that i can customise like "which character should come out of the window: bf," or "character out of windom: yes/no" so i can have the character out of the window and in the window whenever i change that ive seen some people making scripts for this but i need some sort of event or something like that so i can make the character get out of the window mid song and maybe get back in the window

Are you modding a build from source or with Lua?


What is your build target?

Windows x64

Did you edit anything in this build? If so, mention or summarize your changes.

No response

Amberyipee commented 2 weeks ago

i have a script now i just need someone to help me turn it into a event that i can triger whenever i want

-- CREDITS TIME -- --[[

First of all this is a port based from this : People who did the original one: [

          [DuskieWhy] (
          [TaeYai] (
          [BreezyMelee] (
          [YoshiCrafter] ( - Additional help
          [KadeDev] ( - Transparent window .hx file code


The Person that Port Multi Window with Character [

[Laztrix] ( (Laztrix#5670) [gaminbottomtext#3433] - help a bit stuff


The Person that Make Transparent Window possible in Lua (or something idk) [



aight thats all. love you (no gay) ]]--

function onSongStart() -- luaDebugMode = true -- remove the comment if you want to see the debug error spamming in the screen :troll: setProperty('dad.visible',false) --setProperty('boyfriend.visible',false)

-- change window stuff here
    windowDad = Application.current.createWindow({
        title: 'window 1',
        width: 900,
        height: 900,
        borderless: true,    
        alwaysOnTop: true     

 setTransparency(0x000f0f0f) -- holy... is that amongus

            // want to put the window somewhere? change value below
            windowDad.x = 100;   
            windowDad.y = 100;

           // windowBf.x = 100;   
           // windowBf.y = 100;

            // none of your business
            windowDad.stage.color = 0x000f0f0f;
           // windowBf.stage.color = 0x000f0f0f;

            FlxG.mouse.useSystemCursor = true;
            FlxG.autoPause = false;

            // fr???

// owo whats this :clueless:
    dadWin = new Sprite();
   // bfWin = new Sprite();

    var m = new Matrix();, m);, 0,,;;

   /*, m);, 0, game.boyfriend.pixels.width, game.boyfriend.pixels.height);;

// hey you. yeah you, does the character being too small or too big? you can change below
    dadWin.scaleX = 0.7;
    dadWin.scaleY = 0.7;

  //  bfWin.scaleX = 0.7;
  //  bfWin.scaleY = 0.7;

   // bfWin.antialiasing = true;   // my stupid brain was thinking that this is gonna work :skull:
  //  dadWin.antialiasing = true;

end -- what the actual fuck :tro: local yourlifeisnothingyouservezeropurposeyoushouldkillyourselfnow = -29292929

function onDestroy() -- uh fixing uh you know uhhhh setTransparency(yourlifeisnothingyouservezeropurposeyoushouldkillyourselfnow) runHaxeCode([[ windowDad.close(); //STOP CRASHING YOU MF // windowBf.close(); FlxG.autoPause = true; ]]) end

function onUpdate(elapsed)


            var dadFrame =;
          //  var bfFrame = game.boyfriend._frame;

            // prevents crashes (i think???)
            if (dadFrame == null || dadFrame.frame == null) return;
          //  if (bfFrame == null || bfFrame.frame == null) return;

            var rectDad = new Rectangle(dadFrame.frame.x, dadFrame.frame.y, dadFrame.frame.width, dadFrame.frame.height);
         //   var rectBf = new Rectangle(bfFrame.frame.x, bfFrame.frame.y, bfFrame.frame.width, bfFrame.frame.height);

            dadWin.scrollRect = rectDad;
          //  bfWin.scrollRect = rectBf;

         // you see 0 in there? you can change it.
        // if you feels like the character being not the where you wanted, you change it
            dadWin.x = ( 0 + ((dadFrame.offset.x) - ( * dadWin.scaleX);
            dadWin.y = ( 0  + ((dadFrame.offset.y) - ( * dadWin.scaleY);   

          //  bfWin.x = ( 150 + ((bfFrame.offset.x) - (game.boyfriend.offset.x)) * bfWin.scaleX);
          //  bfWin.y = ( 150 + ((bfFrame.offset.y) - (game.boyfriend.offset.y)) * bfWin.scaleY);



function onCreate()
    addHaxeLibrary('Lib', 'openfl')
    addHaxeLibrary('Application', 'openfl.display')
    addHaxeLibrary('Application', '')
    addHaxeLibrary('FlxG', 'flixel')
    addHaxeLibrary('Matrix', 'openfl.geom')
    addHaxeLibrary('Rectangle', 'openfl.geom')
    addHaxeLibrary('Sprite', 'openfl.display')

ffi = require "ffi"

ffi.cdef [[ typedef int BOOL; typedef int BYTE; typedef int LONG; typedef LONG DWORD; typedef DWORD COLORREF; typedef unsigned long HANDLE; typedef HANDLE HWND; typedef int bInvert;

    HWND GetActiveWindow(void);

    LONG SetWindowLongA(HWND hWnd, int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong);

HWND SetLayeredWindowAttributes(HWND hwnd, COLORREF crKey, BYTE bAlpha, DWORD dwFlags);

    DWORD GetLastError();

]] function setTransparency(color) -- did remove the debugprint for some reason local win = ffi.C.GetActiveWindow()

if win == nil then
if ffi.C.SetWindowLongA(win, -20, 0x00080000) == 0 then
if ffi.C.SetLayeredWindowAttributes(win, color, 0, 0x00000001) == 0 then
