Open Chance92281 opened 3 weeks ago
Uncaught Error: Error loading sound from file: mods/songs/aethosv4/Inst.ogg openfl/media/Sound.fromFile() [line 408] Paths.returnSound() [line 716] Paths.inst() [line 525] editors/ChartingState.generateSong() [line 2254] editors/ChartingState.loadSong() [line 2238] editors/ChartingState.addSongUI() [line 618] flixel/ui/FlxButton.onUpHandler() [line 521] flixel/ui/FlxButton.onUpEventListener() [line 507] openfl/events/EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent() [line 426] openfl/display/DisplayObject.dispatch() [line 1398]
Windows x64
Perhaps the game can't find the file "mods/songs/aethosv4/Inst.ogg", make sure you've put it there
Describe your problem here.
Uncaught Error: Error loading sound from file: mods/songs/aethosv4/Inst.ogg openfl/media/Sound.fromFile() [line 408] Paths.returnSound() [line 716] Paths.inst() [line 525] editors/ChartingState.generateSong() [line 2254] editors/ChartingState.loadSong() [line 2238] editors/ChartingState.addSongUI() [line 618] flixel/ui/FlxButton.onUpHandler() [line 521] flixel/ui/FlxButton.onUpEventListener() [line 507] openfl/events/EventDispatcher.dispatchEvent() [line 426] openfl/display/DisplayObject.dispatch() [line 1398]
Are you modding a build from source or with Lua?
What is your build target?
Windows x64
Did you edit anything in this build? If so, mention or summarize your changes.