ShadowOfDragons / AustraNlia

2D Graphic adventure futuristic thematic, based on puzzle solving with multiple solutions, choices and social interaction.
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Implement Camera Limits In-Game #10

Closed LauraCoboRuiz closed 6 years ago

LauraCoboRuiz commented 6 years ago

Limit camera to background and so it follows the player, doesn't show the outside of the level, changes position with character change.


Script with camera movement restricted to background and follows the player around the scene. It is centered around the character being played, and if it changes it moves to the new character

ShadowOfDragons commented 6 years ago


Made in commit 647da69

ShadowOfDragons commented 6 years ago

Since Unity is no longer the engine used, this script has become obsolete.

The AGS engine has already it's own system to follow the player without going out of the background when the scenario is bigger than the screen.