ShadowOne333 / The-Legend-of-Zelda-Redux

Source code for the hack The Legend of Zelda Redux
GNU General Public License v3.0
99 stars 9 forks source link

Blank Title Screen #18

Closed DethDefier closed 11 months ago

DethDefier commented 11 months ago

When I load into the game in FCEUX 2.6.5 and on my flash cartridge, it only displays a blank tan screen and no buttons do anything. This hack looks amazing and it's a shame it isn't working :/

ShadowOne333 commented 11 months ago

Make sure you have the right base ROM with the correct checksum and that you're also patching the game correctly. I just tested the romhack with FCEUX 2.6.5 and it's working fine on my end: image

For reference, my MD5 checksum for a Redux patched ROM (without any optional patch), should be 06b75f8bdb922dc294aeefb4b2eec5c4

DethDefier commented 11 months ago

I have no clue what that means sorry - how do I check I have the right rom and all? I'm new to this lol

DethDefier commented 11 months ago

Oh wait I found the forum post abt it I was using PRG1 I think that's the issue

ShadowOne333 commented 11 months ago

Go to the online patcher here:

Browse your ROM and upload it there, it will automatically check if it is the right version, and if not, then look for one that checks out.

DethDefier commented 11 months ago

Ok I got the PRG0 one and it works perfectly! TYSM!

ShadowOne333 commented 11 months ago

Awesome! Glad you got it working, enjoy the hack!

DethDefier commented 11 months ago

Played through the first couple dungeons and this is definitely one of my fav hacks of any time of any game, and possibly the best way to play the original Zelda! Thank you for making this!