ShadowTheAge / yafc

Powerful Factorio calculator/analyser that works with mods
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Make milestone list scrollable to support more milestones #203

Open veger opened 1 year ago

veger commented 1 year ago

By embedding the milestone elements in a (virtual) scroll list, it will be possible to scroll them, which lifts the restriction of only allowing 60 milestones.

Edit: Fixed the original (probably) reason for this limitation: ulong can only hold 64 bits, and the Analyser uses bits to keep track of the dependencies of the milestones (and other objects). By replacing ulong with the custom build Bits class, this limitation is lifted.

Background: when playing extensive mod packs with lots of new/unknown technologies it is often hard to determine the research path to take. I find it convenient to add a lot (all) technologies to the milestone list, so YAFC shows which technologies I should research to unlock some item/recipe.