ShadowTheHedgehogHacking / 2P-ShdTH

2P split screen in 1P modes
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Unable to Play in Original Aspect Ratio (4:3) #8

Open Mecario opened 1 year ago

Mecario commented 1 year ago

I don't know if this is something that could actually be enabled, but is there any way of playing with the same proportions as the original game instead of 16:9? (or at least getting the videos to show up properly) I'm playing on an actual gamecube through a crt and having that option would be amazing.

dreamsyntax commented 1 year ago

The reason we force 16:9 aspect is to give both players maximum width screen real estate.

I believe you can achieve what you want by:

  1. Replacing these files in the ISO (csdFiles only):

with the original game's files.

  1. Turning off the $Vertical SplitScreen - Advanced Full Widescreen v5 with UI/GNCP Code [dreamsyntax, Dolphin Wiki] code (or horizontal equivalent).

That should be all that is required. The menus will look off or will be replaced with the original, but in-game and the UI in-game should be properly 4:3.

Mecario commented 1 year ago

I tried activating just the second player's special attack and the v3 horizontal widescreen but the game crashed right after the first stage's loading screen.

dreamsyntax commented 1 year ago

I tried activating just the second player's special attack and the v3 horizontal widescreen but the game crashed right after the first stage's loading screen.

I'm not sure what you mean by second player's special attack. Which version are you using in releases?

If you are cloning from master it will be missing the dol changes. Use 2P-ShdTH-v2.3b-r2.7z or 2P-ShdTH-v2.2.7z

Also, the MTP swap codes are not compatible with Wii/GC, so be sure not to use those.

Mecario commented 1 year ago

Sorry, I meant the "$2P Essentials ChaosPowers Activation for P2 v2". Originally I just converted the gct file to a txt and deleted/changed the code lines that I would need as I wanted to play in 4:3, but the game wouldn't load for me that way so I grabbed the ini file that you provided and tried to use that as I could activate and deactivate different options easier.

dreamsyntax commented 1 year ago

I'll do some testing and get back to you. As far as I know it should be possible to do what you want without it crashing.

Mecario commented 1 year ago

Thank you and sorry for the trouble.

dreamsyntax commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've confirmed this is indeed an error. I can't find why but I seem to have replaced a bunch of bctrls with hardcoded bls for the UI. I also can't find this change in my repo which is very odd... I may have forgot to commit the MCM change.

I made a temporary hotfix code, if you encounter a crash please let me know. I tried to account for any possible UI change.

$Original Aspect Hotfix for v2.3b [dreamsyntax]
0436328C 4e800421
04036764 4e800421
040bca54 4e800421
04345D98 4e800421
04363180 4e800421
040622a8 4e800421
04062300 4e800421

Just to be clear, the original instruction where you turn off the $Advanced Full Widescreen v5 with UI/GNCP Code still applies. But you also need this new hotfix code turned on.

Update: -- Edited the code again, found EggDealer was crashing.

dreamsyntax commented 1 year ago

I just tested any UI unique function I could think of, it seem stable. Let me know if you have any issues.

Mecario commented 1 year ago

I can confirm it works, although I may change to vertical splitscreeen after all, the UI is way better positioned like that (it feels a bit unfair to have player one handle the entire UI in their portion of the screen).

dreamsyntax commented 1 year ago

I can confirm it works, although I may change to vertical splitscreeen after all, the UI is way better positioned like that (it feels a bit unfair to have player one handle the entire UI in their portion of the screen).

It should work with either type of split code.

Horizontal splitscreen is an unfinished leftover from the original game, so that is why the UI alignment is not great.

The GNCP editor did not exist at the time, and would still require header hacking to make a custom UI for horizontal. Maybe in the future but atm I do not have plans for that.

Mecario commented 1 year ago

Hope it happens at some point, for now this is way more than I could ever wish for.