Shadoworker / LaliaSprite

Laliasprite is a PhaserJS based tool-framework that helps you to generate hitboxes for your 2D game characters and setup interactions with them (when animation is playing for example)
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Does LaliaSprite work with Sprite Atlases? #3

Open Kimeiga opened 6 years ago

Kimeiga commented 6 years ago

I have found that using a sprite atlas is better than using a sprite sheet for my games because a sprite atlas consumes less memory.

I compiled a bunch of movement animations in this sprite atlas below, but it will get bigger as I add attacks.

The sprite atlas is one image file with all the sprites already baked into it.

Is it still possible to use LaliaSprite with this file to create hitboxes?


Shadoworker commented 6 years ago

Yeah, you are right. I've worked on sprite atlases in order to integrate them in laliasprite. It's almost finished. Just one little thing and i gonna fully cover it.

I will commit the new version of laliasprite with sprite atlases support today or tomorrow !

Kimeiga commented 6 years ago

Thanks! Take your time!