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Shadowrocket Manual
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Update cloak plugin #13

Closed tianjiaoding closed 4 years ago

tianjiaoding commented 4 years ago

Dear developers,

Hi, I recently started to use Shadowrocket with the Cloak plugin. I have been using Cloak for a long time, but I had not been able to find any client on iOS until this repo recommended yours. However, this combination appears unstable on my iOS device with the latest Shadowrocket available 2.1.52 (985). In particular, if I use Shadowrocket with Cloak, I am able to occasionally access, say for example, but then if I disconnect and reconnect, it does not work anymore. Most of the times I start Shadowrocket with Cloak, and I can not access

I suspect that it could be something with Cloak version - My server runs Cloak 2.2.1, released 4 days ago. On my MacOS, this Shadowsocks with Cloak works well.

Thank you in advance for your help. I guess many others would also appreciate your work since Shadowsocks seems to be the only iOS client that supports Cloak.

I attached a log file if it helps.

[16:20:17.271] initialized, build => 985 [16:20:17.271] system jailbroken => 0 [16:20:17.271] system version => Version 13.2.3 (Build 17B111) [16:20:17.271] system uptime => 340190.449305 [16:20:17.271] memory used => 4.9 MB (+4976 kb) free=>555.5 MB [16:20:17.272] network path => status = satisfied reasonCode = 0 reason = Path is satisfied isViable = NO isExpensive = NO clientID = 76EA7971-B64F-4B5A-A70A-BCB60D3625AA mtu = 1500 [16:20:17.272] supports ipv6 => 0 [16:20:17.272] supports ipv4 => 1 [16:20:17.272] interface name => en0 [16:20:17.272] dns server => [16:20:17.272] dns server => [16:20:17.272] en0 => [16:20:17.272] primary ip address => [16:20:17.272] interface did change [16:20:17.272] setup route type => Proxy [16:20:17.272] use system default server => [16:20:17.274] mmdb system geoip lite2 database => 1 [16:20:17.274] route manager load rule file => default.db [16:20:17.274] start prepare tunnel [16:20:17.274] setup dns settings [16:20:17.274] setup ipv4 settings [16:20:17.274] setup proxy settings [16:20:17.274] setup proxy address [16:20:17.274] setup proxy exception list [16:20:17.274] user config ipv6 enable => 0 [16:20:17.274] setup proxy protocol [16:20:17.274] setup proxy done [16:20:17.275] setup message channel [16:20:17.306] start dns tunnel [16:20:17.306] dns over udp => [16:20:17.306] start tcp tunnel [16:20:17.306] dns over udp => [16:20:17.306] load options [16:20:17.306] start udp tunnel [16:20:17.306] start read packet from tunnel [16:20:17.306] vpn server started [16:20:17.306] memory used => 6.0 MB (+1152 kb) free=>555.7 MB [16:20:17.306] mux tunnel start [16:20:17.307] utun query =>, 1 [16:20:17.307] utun response dummy ip =>, [16:20:17.416] ssl identity items read [16:20:17.416] load ssl identity items [16:20:17.416] mitm disable [16:20:17.416] ssl identity items completed [16:20:17.525] proxy tunnel start [16:20:17.525] proxy tunnel localhost start [16:20:17.742] network path => status = satisfied reasonCode = 0 reason = Path is satisfied isViable = NO isExpensive = NO clientID = 76EA7971-B64F-4B5A-A70A-BCB60D3625AA mtu = 1500 [16:20:17.743] new path is equal to old path [16:20:17.757] utun query =>, 1 [16:20:17.757] utun response dummy ip =>, [16:20:17.759] utun query =>, 1 [16:20:17.759] utun response dummy ip =>, [16:20:17.761] resume tcp timer [16:20:17.762] local tcp streams => 1 [16:20:17.762] tcp rule => { result = "ROUTING,PROXY"; type = PROXY; ua = "CloudKit/854 (17B111)"; url = ""; } [16:20:17.762] proxy lookup host => server => Shadowsocks policy => PROXY [16:20:17.764] lookup host => [16:20:17.764] next stream id => 1 [16:20:17.764] 🔥create mux socket => BF2F08A2-13D9-408A-8150-BBCB046996C9 [16:20:17.765] utun query =>, 1 [16:20:17.765] utun response dummy ip =>, [16:20:17.766] dummy ip => [16:20:17.766] local tcp streams => 2 [16:20:17.766] tcp rule => { result = "ROUTING,PROXY"; type = PROXY; ua = "TCP Stream"; url = ""; } [16:20:17.766] proxy lookup host => server => Shadowsocks policy => PROXY [16:20:17.766] lookup host => [16:20:17.766] next stream id => 2 [16:20:17.947] cloak session connect to host => [16:20:18.094] cloak session handshak smaller [16:20:18.324] network path => status = satisfied reasonCode = 0 reason = Path is satisfied isViable = NO isExpensive = NO clientID = 76EA7971-B64F-4B5A-A70A-BCB60D3625AA mtu = 1500 [16:20:18.324] new path is equal to old path [16:20:18.827] proxy tunnel accept new socket => [16:20:18.828] proxy tunnel streams => 1 [16:20:20.276] parse packet tunnel message => { action = DLWReloadProxyBackendAction; server = { allowInsecure = 0; cert = ""; chain = ""; created = "2020-06-13 07:23:22 +0000"; data = ""; file = ""; flag = US; folded = 0; host = ""; method = "chacha20-ietf-poly1305"; mux = 0; obfs = ""; obfsParam = ""; ota = 0; password =; peer = ""; ping = 377; plugin = cloak; pluginParam = { address = ""; browser = chrome; encryptionMethod = plain; port = ""; proxyMethod = shadowsocks; publicKey = "”; serverName = ""; streamTimeout = 300; transport = direct; uid = "”; }; port = 443; proto = ""; protoParam = ""; selected = 1; tfo = 0; title = ""; tls = 0; type = Shadowsocks; updated = "2020-06-13 08:16:40 +0000"; user = ""; uuid = "BF2F08A2-13D9-408A-8150-BBCB046996C9"; weight = 1592033002; }; } [16:20:23.334] local tcp streams => 3 [16:20:23.334] tcp rule => { result = "ROUTING,PROXY"; type = PROXY; ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Safari/605.1.15"; url = ""; } [16:20:23.334] proxy lookup host => server => Shadowsocks policy => PROXY [16:20:23.334] lookup host => [16:20:23.335] next stream id => 3 [16:20:23.336] local tcp streams => 4 [16:20:23.336] tcp rule => { result = "ROUTING,PROXY"; type = PROXY; ua = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Safari/605.1.15"; url = ""; } [16:20:23.336] proxy lookup host => server => Shadowsocks policy => PROXY [16:20:23.336] lookup host => [16:20:23.336] next stream id => 4 [16:20:25.167] local tcp streams => 5 [16:20:25.167] tcp rule => { result = "ROUTING,PROXY"; type = PROXY; ua = "SyncedDefaults/326 (iPhone OS 13.2.3 (17B111))"; url = ""; } [16:20:25.167] proxy lookup host => server => Shadowsocks policy => PROXY [16:20:25.167] lookup host => [16:20:25.167] next stream id => 5 [16:20:45.041] proxy stream error => Socket closed by remote peer [16:20:45.041] chain socket dealloc => 0 [16:20:45.045] proxy tunnel streams => 0 [16:20:45.368] proxy tunnel accept new socket => [16:20:45.368] proxy tunnel streams => 1 [16:20:47.771] local tcp did close =>, state => 7 [16:20:47.771] chain socket dealloc => 0 [16:20:47.771] local tcp streams => 4 [16:20:47.771] mux stream did disconnect 2 => Socket closed by remote peer [16:20:47.774] local tcp streams => 5 [16:20:47.774] tcp rule => { result = "ROUTING,PROXY"; type = PROXY; ua = "TCP Stream"; url = ""; } [16:20:47.774] proxy lookup host => server => Shadowsocks policy => PROXY [16:20:47.774] lookup host => [16:20:47.774] next stream id => 6

cute commented 4 years ago

I have fixed bug in testing version.

tianjiaoding commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your instant reply! May I ask when this version will be formally online or if there is any way that one can acquire a testing version?

tianjiaoding commented 4 years ago

I have tested 2.1.53 (999) in TestFlight and it seems that the problem has been fixed. A hundred thanks!