Shadows-of-Fire / Apotheosis

All things that should have been.
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[1.20.1] Apotheosis | Apotheosis performance issue #1191

Closed Crankonator closed 3 months ago

Crankonator commented 3 months ago

Hello, we are experiencing some performance issues with Apotheosis. We believe the issue to be on your end and believe it would be worth looking into.

I have attached a spark log to show what's going on.

SiverDX commented 3 months ago


a lot of it is from the shield breaker test the checks seem to be for the equipment sound might be best to call handItems.set(EquipmentSlot.OFFHAND.getIndex(), shield) instead

   public void setItemSlot(EquipmentSlot pSlot, ItemStack pStack) {
      switch (pSlot.getType()) {
         case HAND:
            this.onEquipItem(pSlot, this.handItems.set(pSlot.getIndex(), pStack), pStack);
         case ARMOR:
            this.onEquipItem(pSlot, this.armorItems.set(pSlot.getIndex(), pStack), pStack);

   public void onEquipItem(EquipmentSlot p_238393_, ItemStack p_238394_, ItemStack p_238395_) {
      boolean flag = p_238395_.isEmpty() && p_238394_.isEmpty();
      if (!flag && !ItemStack.isSameIgnoreDurability(p_238394_, p_238395_) && !this.firstTick) {
         if (p_238393_.getType() == EquipmentSlot.Type.ARMOR) {

         if (this.doesEmitEquipEvent(p_238393_)) {

Shadows-of-Fire commented 3 months ago

I think it will be sufficient to just set it once at the initial instantiation of the zombie. Hopefully it doesn't get lost.

Stupid forge capability system strikes again with expensive comparison operations (in vanilla this code path would be trivial).