Shadows-of-Fire / Apotheosis

All things that should have been.
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[Niche Bug] Incompat with AdventureZ #1194

Closed Idefkftt closed 3 months ago

Idefkftt commented 3 months ago

As the title suggests I know this is incredibly niche and thus not really something to be too concerned about, but just for thorough documentation's sake, Apotheosis appears to be incompatible with AdventureZ when running it on a 1.20.1 Forge client through the Connector mod. Both work fine independently, but together causes the game to crash out with a returned exit code 1. Not sure if it's Apotheosis throwing a fit or AdventureZ, but I'll be posting this issue to both just in case.

Shadows-of-Fire commented 3 months ago

duplicate of