Shadows-of-Fire / Apotheosis

All things that should have been.
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Trident with Piercing and Loyalty crashes when using Embeddium #1233

Closed RoyalReject closed 1 month ago

RoyalReject commented 2 months ago

Someone brought this up in the discord and after some testing was able to reproduce with just apotheosis and dependencies with Embeddium.

When a trident has both piercing and loyalty enchantments and used on a mob, it can cause the game to freeze and exit without a crash report and the log was not helpful. They found it mainly occurred when attacking an enderman with the trident.

Creating an issue here as apotheosis had a mixin to allow piercing on the trident. Curseforge profile export: Trident crash with

RedAngel121 commented 2 months ago

Its not Embeddium, the issue persists without it.