Shadows-of-Fire / Apotheosis

All things that should have been.
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Rogue Spawner chance - Please make it a config option #1267

Closed kragnoth closed 2 days ago

kragnoth commented 2 weeks ago

Please change it so that the if(rand()%100==0) check is dependant on a variable that can be configured in the adventure config file. I've not seen a rogue spawner since I think version 7.2.2 (when I believe this change was made)

RoyalReject commented 2 weeks ago

All world gen can be configurable via datapack. This is a change mojang has made and modders had to adapt. I am not sure where you got your example from to see what it is doing. But yeah datapack is how you would modify the chances now.

Shadows-of-Fire commented 2 weeks ago

The rogue spawner specifically does have a hardcoded 1/100 success chance in the feature code, though it can be kinda counteracted by increasing the count in the placed feature.

I could probably move the definition of the 100 to the feature config instead of it being hardcoded.

kragnoth commented 2 weeks ago

thanks shadows-of-fire, I'll check the datapack side for now until that's a feature config.

kragnoth commented 2 weeks ago

All world gen can be configurable via datapack. This is a change mojang has made and modders had to adapt. I am not sure where you got your example from to see what it is doing. But yeah datapack is how you would modify the chances now.

I looked at the source code while trying to figure out if I broke something.

kragnoth commented 2 weeks ago

just tested with a count of 256, and ... well out of a gigantic cave system I had at least one spawner. So maybe if you could add a config option that would be great, because 256 is the hard cap on placed feature