Shadows-of-Fire / Apothic-Attributes

Attributes library for Minecraft, used by Apotheosis.
MIT License
7 stars 9 forks source link

Incompatbility with Obscure API (Armor Piercing does not work) #32

Closed LynxGrimbane closed 6 days ago

LynxGrimbane commented 6 days ago

The Issue

When Obscure API is installed, Attributelib's armor piercing effect does not function. I have tested this in multiple formats:

When uninstalled, my Netherite Sword deals the full 8 damage (as I set my armor piercing attribute to 31) Screenshot_13

Shadows-of-Fire commented 6 days ago

Obscure API is a closed-source all rights reserved mod. No support is provided for these mods. You can report this as a bug to them and ask them resolve it on their end.