ShadowsocksR-Live / shadowsocksr-native

翻墙 从容穿越党国敏感日 ShadowsocksR (SSRoT) native implementation for all platforms, GFW terminator
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Example of client with tls and path #188

Closed sae13 closed 3 years ago

sae13 commented 3 years ago

Where i can find a client json config with tls and path on port 443?

ssrlive commented 3 years ago


Help yourself.

sae13 commented 3 years ago

Thanks, sadly i dont know Chinese, i'll google translate I would appreciate if some one share a json config or ssr example. All i find are plain Not tls


sae13 commented 3 years ago

In android ssr client, where i should define path? Like what i do with v2ray plugin

sae13 commented 3 years ago

I wrote path=/X50IdN4GdFsHcK54QuRl/;tls; In obfsparam but didnt work

ssrlive commented 3 years ago

You must use a dedicated SSRoT client, to connect to the SSRoT server.


We all live in authoritarian states, and we all face a common enemy.

sae13 commented 3 years ago

Thats not problem, problem is i dont know how to config

ssrlive commented 3 years ago

sae13 commented 3 years ago

Sorry i couldnt make my point. I have an already configured ssr server And i have android client

But i cant configure my android app to connect server. My email is Can you please send me an email and i tell u my server config.js and help me i configure android client?

sae13 commented 3 years ago

My android client configuration is like this: But it doesnt connect to my server my ssr client

ssrlive commented 3 years ago

SSRoT Android client NOT completed yet!

sae13 commented 3 years ago

Ow ok! I get that now! Ill use v2ray-plugin again, i wanted something with free client for ios. I thought it will work with potasto