ShadowsocksR-Live / shadowsocksr-native

翻墙 从容穿越党国敏感日 ShadowsocksR (SSRoT) native implementation for all platforms, GFW terminator
GNU General Public License v3.0
2.74k stars 762 forks source link

unexpect tunnel terminated #239

Closed smukee closed 1 year ago

smukee commented 1 year ago

Installed on Debian 10 After running SSR, I'm constantly getting this error when connected via the client: Any idea what's wrong? Tested on CentOS 8 and got the same error.

root@debian:~# /usr/bin/ssr-server -c /etc/ssr-native/config.json
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ShadowsocksR native server

ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  listen address
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info   
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  method           aes-256-cfb
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  password         password
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  protocol         auth_aes128_md5
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  obfs             http_simple
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  udp relay        no

ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel created     count   1 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  tunnel_stage_initial
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43 error  unexpect tunnel terminated. about _client_ "(null)": Unknown system error 757 - tunnel_stage_initial
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel destroyed   count   0 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel created     count   1 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  tunnel_stage_initial
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43 error  unexpect tunnel terminated. about _client_ "(null)": Unknown system error 873 - tunnel_stage_initial
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel destroyed   count   0 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel created     count   1 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  tunnel_stage_initial
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43 error  unexpect tunnel terminated. about _client_ "(null)": Unknown system error 1053 - tunnel_stage_initial
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel destroyed   count   0 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  ==== tunnel created     count   1 ====
ssr-server 2022/10/22 07:43  info  tunnel_stage_initial


    "password": "password",
    "method": "aes-256-cfb",
    "protocol": "auth_aes128_md5",
    "protocol_param": "",
    "obfs": "http_simple",
    "obfs_param": "",

    "udp": false,
    "idle_timeout": 300,
    "connect_timeout": 6,
    "udp_timeout": 6,

    "server_settings": {
        "listen_address": "",
        "listen_port": 8380

    "client_settings": {
        "server": "my ip",
        "server_port": 8380,
        "listen_address": "",
        "listen_port": 1080

    "over_tls_settings": {
        "enable": false,
        "server_domain": "",
        "path": "//",
        "root_cert_file": ""
ssrlive commented 1 year ago

Please change your OS to ubuntu 18.04+ .

smukee commented 1 year ago

Same on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04. Could it be the client?

ssrlive commented 1 year ago

Same settings. no problem.
