ShaggyYeti / sbt-sass

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Issue with paths in webjar scss #15

Open cvrabie opened 10 years ago

cvrabie commented 10 years ago

I am able to bundle scss from a webjar into my main css, but there are problems bundling scss from webjars that reference other resources from that webjar. For example font-awesome will get downloaded to lib/font-awesome with the fonts in locations like /assets/lib/font-awesome/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot. The problem is that the font-awesome scss references it with ../fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot which after compilation will be /assets/fonts/fontawesome-webfont.eot.

Now I'm not sure that this issue should be fixed by the sbt-sass plugin, by configurations to sass itself or by some other means. I've opened a stack overflow question trying to get some opinions, but so far no luck. However, It's my opinion that this can/should be solved at this level. At the very list you can add a note to the troubles and solutions section in the read me file, as I expect this will become a more widespread issue together with the prevalence of webjars.

tindzk commented 9 years ago

I don't think this is an sbt-sass issue. Usually, .scss files provide a way to override paths. As for Bootstrap, I had to use the following:

$icon-font-path: "lib/bootstrap-sass/fonts/bootstrap/"
@import "lib/bootstrap-sass/stylesheets/bootstrap.scss"