Shahabks / myprosody

A Python library for measuring the acoustic features of speech (simultaneous speech, high entropy) compared to ones of native speech.
MIT License
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whenever i run mysp.myprosody(p,c) it says: Try again the sound of the audio was not clear #32

Open amandeepbaberwal opened 1 year ago

amandeepbaberwal commented 1 year ago

whenever i run mysp.myprosody(p,c) it says: Try again the sound of the audio was not clear, i have tried with different recordings.

Expected behavior i am trying to get TOEFL Score based on this. Could you please also explain how i can get Fluency of my speech with this? i mean what is the formula i can use to get Fluency Thanks

brittmorin commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same error using mysptotal. Any suggestions would be helpful

amandeepbaberwal commented 1 year ago

and how about Pronunciation_posteriori_probability_score_percentage= :95.12, what is the meaning of that? thanks

amandeepbaberwal commented 1 year ago

@brittmorin hi did you find any solution for it?

fifoh commented 1 year ago

Hi, I had the same error "sound of the audio was not clear", it was not a problem with the audio but with where I had put the folder - working now. Here is what I did: (1) download folder "myprosody/dataset" (2) extract (3) copy folder named "myprosody" from inside "myprosody-master" and put somewhere eg on the desktop (4) on desktop navigate to myprosody / dataset / audiofiles and put the audio file you want to analyse inside the "audiofiles" folder

Code for 'mysp.myspsr(p,c)': import myprosody as mysp p="NAME_OF_YOUR_AUDIO_FILE" c=r"C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\Desktop\myprosody"

and that worked for me

I also had a problem with pickle, solved with pip install pickle-mixin, then import pickle at the start of the code

amandeepbaberwal commented 1 year ago

@fifoh all of my functions are are working except mysp.mysplev and myprosody. Can you confirm if either of them are working for you?

Delara-Forghani commented 1 year ago

I have the same issue!

brittmorin commented 1 year ago

The error message 'Try again the sound of the audio was not clear' is a catch-all error message and does not necessarily mean the issue is the audio. What worked for me was instead of installing the python library version was downloading the entire repo to my machine and then altering the code where the functions are written. I did try and except with exception as:

except Exception as e: print(f'Error encountered: {e}')

This gives me the actual python error. A lot of the time my issue was that I wasn't giving the correct paths to my files.

So first, I removed the p variable and just gave m when calling the function and sound variable was always equal to m. This made it so I could just give the entire path at once and didn't have to split it up.

Variable sourcerun should always be leading directly to the myspolution.praat file in your directory. Give it the entire path.

Finally, I changed my path from the audio file folder provided and changed it to where I was already keeping my wav files.

maddy-nit commented 4 months ago

@amandeepbaberwal did you manage to solve this issue. All of my functions are are working except mysp.mysplev and myprosody. On debugging the issue, MLTRNL.praat is giving the following error:

error :  Stray text after 'else'.
Script line 324 not performed or completed:
« else vsa=vsa+0  »
Script not completed.

which was resulting "Try again the sound of the audio was not clear"

eunjiwang2728 commented 4 months ago

Same issue! When using mysp.myprosody(), I had error 'parselmouth.PraatError'.

Kushwho commented 2 months ago

@maddy-nit I'm facing the same issue, did you encounter any solution to this?

maddy-nit commented 1 month ago

@Kushwho try to replace MLTRNL file.