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Lore page #6

Open xSkazi opened 2 years ago

xSkazi commented 2 years ago

Here's the rough draft for the lores for each faction. Not a professional writer but please provide any feedback. These should be short enough to read and not be an eyesore on the site.


The Orcs of Shoas have a history rife with brutality. Seen for their land rich in minerals and other fine resources, the other factions of Esnen saught to claim Shoas for their own. The orcs endured years of pillaging and destruction. As an young orcling, Skazi witnessed these awful events first hand. For years he trained under the great battlemasters, fine tuning his skills with the axe.

Years later and voted unanimously by his people, Skazi took up the crown and vowed to slice down any would-be invader to the swamplands of Shoas once and for all. The enemies of Shoas would feel the same suffering and pain that the Orcs themselves endured centuries prior. Shoas will stand strong, the rightful ruler of Esnen.


The Undead have been prisoners to the Great Underkeeper for millennia, unable to think nor act on their own volition. That was until the they were freed by the paladin Mondus Lightkeeper, a mistake he would soon regret. Now, the undead have set their eyes upon Ensen. With no chains or limitations to keep their souls prisoner, Lord Vaneezy has taken up the crown in order to spread the wrath of the undead to the farthest reaches of the land. Those who stand against the undead will surely fall in a wake of terror and death and those who follow will be rewarded. The undead shall be prisoners no more.


The Humans have always resided in Gnuela, defending themselves against foreign threats who attempt to plunder the land for their gold and fine gemstones. Growing up, the young Sebastian envied the soldiers going into battle every day; he longed to be able to protect his country from the mutant invaders.

For years Sebastian sparred with swordsmen from across the land and his skills with the blade had earned him the title of Warlord. Vowing to protect the citizens of Gnuela, he earned support from the people of his country. Taking up the crown, the citizens of Gnuela would forever live by the three tenents: Honor, Truth, and Justice.


The Age of Ruin left many scars on the land of Esnen. The fields of Morgrae were barren wastelands where no crops would go, no livestock would graze, and not a soul would travel. In an act of desperation, the dark elf Flow sought out the Great Magi in the Isles of Dread to learn the dark arts.

Flow brought the power of Dark Magic back to the citizens of Morgrae and soon the land began to heal. With the power of the moon and stars, the Dark Elves channeled their energy into the land, healing the scars of battle. Soon, the land was bountiful once again as it was a millenia ago. For his efforts, Flow was crowned Lord of Morgrae and vowed that the dark elves would return to their rightful place as true rulers of Esnen.

Pooingcat commented 2 years ago
