If you are using oracle 11g and have SQL Plus then run cmd as administrator and do the following steps
type "sqlplus / as sysdba"
After connecting to oracle type the statement
CREATE USER username IDENTIFIED BY password;
where username and password can be the schema and your password respectively
Then type the following statement to assign system priviliges
GRANT create session TO username;
GRANT create table TO username;
GRANT create view TO username;
GRANT create any trigger TO username;
GRANT create any procedure TO username;
GRANT create sequence TO username;
GRANT create synonym TO username;
You will create a schema for your oracle database. After this open your sqldeveloper and click new connection and perform the following steps
Choose a name for your database which can be any name you want
If you are using oracle 11g and have SQL Plus then run cmd as administrator and do the following steps
You will create a schema for your oracle database. After this open your sqldeveloper and click new connection and perform the following steps