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Updated the dictionary app #127

Open Ananyasingh2002 opened 9 months ago

Ananyasingh2002 commented 9 months ago

I made several changes and improvements to the code:

  1. Error Handling: I added try-except blocks to handle potential errors when looking up word meanings, antonyms, synonyms, or translating. This ensures that if a word is not found in the dictionary, the code doesn't crash but instead attempts to find close matches using difflib.get_close_matches and suggests alternatives to the user.

  2. Input Validation: In the menu() function, I added input validation to ensure that the user's choice is a valid numeric option. This prevents the user from entering invalid choices and provides clear feedback if the choice is not valid.

  3. Loop for Invalid Choices: In the main loop that handles user interactions, I added a loop that continuously prompts the user for input until they enter a valid choice. This enhances user-friendliness by preventing the program from proceeding with invalid inputs.

  4. Break Statement: I included a break statement in the main loop to exit the program when the user chooses to close the dictionary (option 0). This ensures a clean program exit.

These changes collectively make the code more robust, user-friendly, and capable of handling situations where a word may not be found in the dictionary. The inclusion of suggestions for similar words further improves the user experience when dealing with unexpected inputs.