Shahrayar123 / Python-Projects

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I have modified the - Create pylint.yml #177

Open JT-tanui opened 5 months ago

JT-tanui commented 5 months ago

I've customized the GitHub Actions workflow to execute Pylint on my Python code whenever I push changes to the "main" branch. I've set up a matrix strategy, ensuring compatibility across various Python versions—3.8, 3.9, and 3.10. Specifically, I've configured Pylint to analyze Python files within the "src" directory and its subdirectories using the inclusion pattern 'src/*/.py'. Additionally, I've excluded a specific file, "," from the analysis with the exclusion pattern ':!src/'. What's more, I've incorporated a custom Pylint configuration file, "pylintrc," to fine-tune the code analysis. This personalized setup caters to the specific structure of my project and aligns with my coding requirements, ensuring consistent and high-quality code across different Python versions.