ShahrikAmin / SYSC-4806-Group-35

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Weekly scrum - November 10 2024 #9

Closed ShahrikAmin closed 1 week ago

ShahrikAmin commented 3 weeks ago

This week's scrum. We must answer the below questions in comments:

chibuzo-git commented 3 weeks ago

1) Worked on developing the base of the book feature of the bookstore project including the book model, repository, service and controllers. link: src/main/java/com/group35/project/Book 2) As of now, continued development of the book feature to integrate future needs. Work on full implementation of the book's picture. 3) Collective vision on the future needs.

ShahrikAmin commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Worked on github setup including azure deployment setup, github actions CI, pom.xml. an issue for this was assigned to me. also helped fix bugs & issues and piecing code together with crud repository.
  2. Work on further development and features of the project. Features include improving store owner implementation, as well as checking out and ordering books.
  3. Azure deployment may not be fully working, I had some trouble being able to test/ensure that it works properly.
SamehGawish commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Worked in building the frontend html pages displaying the form to add/ remove a book and the inventory as well as the web controller for mapping the functionality to the get and post requests.
  2. Will continue working in the controller to make it adapt the future needs and continue develop and debug it.
  3. Had a trouble with setting the submit form correctly in the browser side. I believe due to the time limit. Hopefully will be done correctly within the next few days.
BomaIyaye commented 3 weeks ago

1.I have worked on the Inventory feature creating the Model, Controller, Repository and Service. 2.I will work on updating the inventory to handle the next feature we plan to implemnt being the search and browse feature.

PatrickMa864 commented 3 weeks ago
  1. Created StoreOwner (and testcases, covering Books, Inventory as well) for backend management of inventory, helped with front end issues, and helped with Azure deployment.
  2. Connect StoreOwner to the UI. Create the User side of things (shopping cart, checkout, etc) and also connect it with the UI. Get Azure working.
  3. Azure is a learning curve atm.