ShahriyarR / MySQL-AutoXtraBackup

MySQL-AutoXtraBackup commandline tool written in Python 3 based on Percona XtraBackup
MIT License
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The project without tests #388

Closed ShahriyarR closed 4 years ago

ShahriyarR commented 4 years ago

We need more tests as we have no tests :D :D :dancer:

BarbzYHOOL commented 4 years ago

you mean "testing"?

we need more people to use this good project first, then add a label "waiting to be tested" on PRs

ShahriyarR commented 4 years ago

It can take centuries :D

The basic idea is now for me:

BarbzYHOOL commented 4 years ago

ok automated tests?

i only know about travis, to verify if everything works at a basic level

gitmstoute commented 4 years ago

@ShahriyarR Do you have a test framework in mind? I'm not familiar with them either but wouldn't mind learning/contributing.

ShahriyarR commented 4 years ago

I am going to use pytest and docker container for running tests. I have already started to prepare docker env and wrote some wrapper code on this here:

The thing is we are missing unit tests and of course functional tests overall. So what you can do is - pick backup or prepare code and start to write unit tests for methods.

ShahriyarR commented 4 years ago

Nearly all the most important changes are done. The procedure to add more tests much more simple now. As it can take a month to cover all the tests I am going to merge current changes to release_v2.0 branch and try to continue to other important missing things.

ShahriyarR commented 4 years ago

Merged. Now closing. Will open separate issues for each missing test type: Prepare, Restore, Backup etc.