ShahriyarR / MySQL-AutoXtraBackup

MySQL-AutoXtraBackup commandline tool written in Python 3 based on Percona XtraBackup
MIT License
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Implement new command for starting and serving the API locally #436

Closed ShahriyarR closed 3 years ago

ShahriyarR commented 3 years ago

Currently I have implemented the API for simple steps such as: backup, prepare, showing the backups and deleting all backups. But it is not visible from the autoxtrabackup CLI. What we can do here, to add --run-server command and it will fire up uvicorn and start the server for us. Then we can simply cURL and do all needed tasks via API. With Docker we have bunch of problems with environment variables, for now I am going to convert it for serving locally. The helper bash scripts will be provided also.