Shahxad-Akram / webview_flutter_plus

An extension of webview_flutter to load HTML,CSS and Javascript even from Assets or Strings.
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height is not calculated correctly on android devices #56

Open karanSman opened 2 months ago

karanSman commented 2 months ago

I used your package with latest version but it is giving the same issue which i am facing on webview_flutter: ^4.7.0. Only on android the height is coming very large but on ios calculation is correct.

here is my code class _WebviewHtmlTextState extends State { late final WebViewController _webController; double? webViewHeight;

@override void initState() { super.initState(); // #docregion platform_features late final PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams params; if (WebViewPlatform.instance is WebKitWebViewPlatform) { params = WebKitWebViewControllerCreationParams( allowsInlineMediaPlayback: true, mediaTypesRequiringUserAction: const {}, ); } else { params = const PlatformWebViewControllerCreationParams(); }

final WebViewController webController =
if (webController.platform is AndroidWebViewController) {
  (webController.platform as AndroidWebViewController)

          mimeType: 'text/html',
          encoding: Encoding.getByName('utf-8'))
      onMessageReceived: (JavaScriptMessage message) async {
    print('message from the web view=\"${message.message}\"');
      onNavigationRequest: (request) {
        if (request.url.startsWith('')) {
              arguments: request.url);
          return NavigationDecision.prevent;
        } else if (Uri.tryParse(request.url)?.hasAbsolutePath ?? false) {
          Get.toNamed<dynamic>(, parameters: {
            'web_url': request.url,
            'title': '',
            'landscape': 'false',
            'fullscreen': 'false'
          return NavigationDecision.prevent;
        return NavigationDecision.navigate;
      onPageFinished: (String url) async {
        // Add some delay before evaluate
        await Future<dynamic>.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 500));
        var _height =  await webController.runJavaScriptReturningResult(
        setState(() {
          webViewHeight = (_height as num).toDouble();

_webController = webController;


class IhwUtils { // add meta tag in head tag of html for ios static String addMetaInHead(String htmlString) {

  if (htmlString.contains('<head>')) {
    htmlString = htmlString.replaceAll(RegExp('<head>'),
        '<head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">');
  } else {
    htmlString =
        '<html><head><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1.0">' +
            htmlString +

return htmlString;

} }

antonioDolera commented 2 months ago

Has any progress been made regarding the use of the library for Android services?