ShammyLevva / FTAnalyzer

Family Tree Analyzer - Finds hidden details in your family tree. Install at
Apache License 2.0
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[BUG] V10.0.0.0 Beta 6 Cosmetic Issue - Take 2 #316

Open EmmArrBee opened 6 months ago

EmmArrBee commented 6 months ago

Version Number problem appears in V10.0.0.0 Beta 6

Describe the bug Thanks for fixing issue #287 in Beta 6. However, it seem this is a more generic issue, in that many (all?) sub-windows open on the first monitor even when the app is being run on the second monitor.

To Reproduce Using a dual screen config on Windows 10,

  1. Open the beta 6 version of FTAnalyser.
  2. Move the app from the primary screen to the secondary screen.
  3. Load a GEDCOM file.
  4. The pop up window confirming the GEDCOM file had been loaded appeared centrally on my second screen. (bug #287 confirmed as resolved)
  5. Go to "Lost Cousins" tab
  6. Click on any report generating button (eg "1911 Census England & Wales Census") and the sub-window opens at the top left corner of the PRIMARY screen.

Expected behaviour Sub-windows opens on the same screen as the main FTA app is running on.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Happy to provide screenshots offline if required.

Additional context If a sub window is moved and then closed, it would be neat if it was re-opened in the same position and size as the previously closed version of that sub-window, but only for the current execution of the app, that is not something to be persisted between runs of the app.



ShammyLevva commented 6 months ago

Ah ok I only looked at the MessageBox.Show ones not the opening of other windows.

If it opens a window on your primary screen and move it to secondary screen then you close it does opening the same window again appear on the primary or is it remembering the position and appearing on the secondary screen?

EmmArrBee commented 6 months ago

If it opens a window on your primary screen and move it to secondary screen then you close it does opening the same window again appear on the primary or is it remembering the position and appearing on the secondary screen?

I've only tried with the LC 1881 window, but that re-opens on the primary screen even if it was previously moved to the secondary screen and closed there.