I have had this problem for a while and can't figure it out! Please if someone knows how to fix this tell me. I put in a region check for my weapons so they cant be fired at a certain location but can be fired anywhere else. This is what it looks like. What am I doing wrong??
Minigun: Item_Information: Item_Name: "&dMinigun" Item_Type: 352 Item_Lore: "&fType: Assault Rifle|&cDamage: 6|&6Tier: Donor" Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0 Inventory_Control: Group_Donor Melee_Mode: false Skip_Name_Check: true Shooting: Disable: false Right_Click_To_Shoot: true Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true Delay_Between_Shots: 0 Recoil_Amount: 1 Projectile_Amount: 4 Projectile_Type: snowball Projectile_Subtype: false Projectile_Speed: 17 Projectile_Damage: 6 Bullet_Spread: 4 Sounds_Shoot: WITHER_SHOOT-1-2-0,EXPLODE-1-2-0 Sneak: Enable: true No_Recoil: false Bullet_Spread: 4 Fully_Automatic: Enable: true Fire_Rate: 7 Region_Check: Enable: true World_And_Coordinates: Greenfield,200,215,1594,140,255,1687,true Message_Of_Denial: You are not allowed to shoot here! Ammo: Enable: true Ammo_Item_ID: 353 Take_Ammo_Per_Shot: false Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0 Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0 Reload: Enable: true Starting_Amount: 150 Reload_Amount: 150 Reload_Bullets_Individually: false Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true Reload_Duration: 50 Reload_Shoot_Delay: 5 Destroy_When_Empty: false Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38 Headshot: Enable: true Bonus_Damage: 2 Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP-1-2-0 Scope: Enable: true Night_Vision: false Zoom_Amount: 4 Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 4 Zoom_Before_Shooting: false Abilities: Death_No_Drop: true No_Vertical_Recoil: true Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true Particles: Enable: true Particle_Player_Shoot: BLOCK_BREAK-57 Hit_Events: Enable: true Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
I have tried everything I can think of! A region whitelist doesn't work either. Please tell me whats going on?
I have had this problem for a while and can't figure it out! Please if someone knows how to fix this tell me. I put in a region check for my weapons so they cant be fired at a certain location but can be fired anywhere else. This is what it looks like. What am I doing wrong??
Minigun: Item_Information: Item_Name: "&dMinigun" Item_Type: 352 Item_Lore: "&fType: Assault Rifle|&cDamage: 6|&6Tier: Donor" Sounds_Acquired: BAT_TAKEOFF-1-1-0 Inventory_Control: Group_Donor Melee_Mode: false Skip_Name_Check: true Shooting: Disable: false Right_Click_To_Shoot: true Cancel_Left_Click_Block_Damage: true Cancel_Right_Click_Interactions: true Delay_Between_Shots: 0 Recoil_Amount: 1 Projectile_Amount: 4 Projectile_Type: snowball Projectile_Subtype: false Projectile_Speed: 17 Projectile_Damage: 6 Bullet_Spread: 4 Sounds_Shoot: WITHER_SHOOT-1-2-0,EXPLODE-1-2-0 Sneak: Enable: true No_Recoil: false Bullet_Spread: 4 Fully_Automatic: Enable: true Fire_Rate: 7 Region_Check: Enable: true World_And_Coordinates: Greenfield,200,215,1594,140,255,1687,true Message_Of_Denial: You are not allowed to shoot here! Ammo: Enable: true Ammo_Item_ID: 353 Take_Ammo_Per_Shot: false Sounds_Out_Of_Ammo: NOTE_PLING-1-2-0 Sounds_Shoot_With_No_Ammo: NOTE_STICKS-1-2-0 Reload: Enable: true Starting_Amount: 150 Reload_Amount: 150 Reload_Bullets_Individually: false Take_Ammo_On_Reload: true Reload_Duration: 50 Reload_Shoot_Delay: 5 Destroy_When_Empty: false Sounds_Reloading: FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-4,DOOR_OPEN-1-2-6,FIRE_IGNITE-1-1-36,HURT_FLESH-1-0-37,DOOR_CLOSE-1-2-38 Headshot: Enable: true Bonus_Damage: 2 Sounds_Shooter: ENTITY_EXPERIENCE_ORB_PICKUP-1-2-0 Scope: Enable: true Night_Vision: false Zoom_Amount: 4 Zoom_Bullet_Spread: 4 Zoom_Before_Shooting: false Abilities: Death_No_Drop: true No_Vertical_Recoil: true Reset_Hit_Cooldown: true Particles: Enable: true Particle_Player_Shoot: BLOCK_BREAK-57 Hit_Events: Enable: true Sounds_Shooter: SHOOT_ARROW-1-2-0
I have tried everything I can think of! A region whitelist doesn't work either. Please tell me whats going on?