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Fzf grep_visual greedily read from system clipboard for grep. #4

Open ShampooDeng opened 9 months ago

ShampooDeng commented 9 months ago

Open a file, and copy some inside the terminal. Then the search words for fzf.grep_visual will be the yanked content. What makes it problem is that there is no method to override search words in fzf grep.

Normal situation

When system clipboard is not empty

ShampooDeng commented 3 months ago

I currently don't consider this behavior to be a bug. Because this functionality is designed to be used when a (sequence of) word is selected in visual mode. Therefore it would be a thing if you select the content of interest before triggering visual_grep. Of course, it may be grep_visual of Fzflua's designed behavior to take the selection/clipboard content as search input. For this hypothesis, I may need to read docs about this functionality :thinking: