ShaneBeee / EnchBook

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Combining Item with Enchanted Book #11

Closed alexanderdidio closed 1 year ago

alexanderdidio commented 1 year ago

Issue When trying to combine a Sharpness 4 sword with a sharpness 4 book in an anvil, the sword does not enchant to sharpness 5. It stays at sharpness 4. This happens with all enchanted books when combining with items with the same enchant level, you can never upgrade the enchant level even though its within vanilla bounds.

You can combine two sharpness 4 books to make a sharpness 5 book fine, but you can't combine a sharpness 4 sword with a sharpness 4 book to make sharpness 5 sword, it will just output sharpness 4 on the sword. Uninstalling enchbook fixes this issue. It even occurs with operators.


# By: ShaneBee

  Prefix: '&a&lEnchants &8&l» &7'

  # If safe enchants is true, you will only be able to enchant books with the max level of said enchant
  # If it is false, you can enchant to your hearts desire, and also enchant tools/weapons/armor in the anvil with them
  # Leaving this true essentially means the anvil will work in a vanilla fashion
  # This can be bypassed with the permission ''
  Safe Enchants: false

  # When enchanting an item, ignore conflicting enchants (ex: smite + sharpness)
  Ignore Conflicts: false

  # If safe books is true, players will not be able to join 2 of the same books (which would increase the level by 1)
  # to increase the level over the max possible level for that enchant.
  # This also blocks creating new books with the '/enchbook newbook' that have higher than vanilla max levels.
  # This can be bypassed with the permission ''
  Safe Books: true

  # Max level when combining book enchants
  # This can be bypassed with the permission 'enchbook.bypass.max_level'
  Max Level: 5

  # Require permission when a player attempts to combine two books and the level goes higher than vanilla allows
  # This setting only works when 'Safe Books' is false
  # This can be bypassed with the permission 'enchbook.bypass.vanilla_max_level'
  Above Vanilla Requires Permission: true

  # Require permission when a player attempts to combine an item and book and the level goes higher than vanilla allows
  # This can be bypassed with the permission 'enchbook.bypass.vanilla_max_level_item'
  Above Vanilla Item Requires Permission: false

  # {ench} = Enchantment
  # {level} = Level of Enchantment
  Create New Book: '&7You created a new enchanted book with &b{ench} {level}'
  Added Enchant: '&7You have successfully added &b{ench} {level} &ato your book'
  Removed Enchant: '&7You have successfully removed &b{ench} &afrom your book'
  No Permission: '&7You do not have permission to use this command'
ShaneBeee commented 1 year ago

I tried your exact scenario with your exact same config, and I was not able to replicate the issue. When I put a diamond sword with sharpness 4 in with a sharpness 4 book, the output was a diamond sword with sharpness 5

alexanderdidio commented 1 year ago

Then what could it be? Am I missing a permission node or something? Very confused.

ShaneBeee commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure what to tell ya. On my test server, I have only the one plugin, EnchBook. I have de-op'd myself to make sure I am playing as a player with no special perms, and I was able to enchant as described.

alexanderdidio commented 1 year ago

You can delete this issue, figured out the conflict.